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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Happy birthday! And just wait for the type of sigh you'll do when you turn 30...
  2. Well tis been off/on raining hard and hammering the windows.. Although I had a wee bit of a headache, I just felt really comfortable and warm in bed so was a serious effort to actually get up... But the day moves ever onwards.. Hm, one of my friends has apparently found their 5 1/2 year relationship ended, so I shall make general attempts to let them know I'm around if they need a vent or such like. Give some ponderings on how I might be able to cheer them up in the near future.
  3. And for that Millenium Falcon love.. And do you think the students at this school realise what it actually looks like?
  4. Heh, found out there's a guild on the public test server, called "Test Guild" that's managed to get about 360 odd folks joined in. Apparently it has periods of absence for a week or so after any big patch, but then gets back into the swing of it. In fact they've got their guild bank up and running and working on the ridiculous levels of money needed to get extra tabs for the bank.. Hm, I have to say I could never decide whether I liked the Sith Inquisitor (male) voice or not..sometimes he had the right tone and delivery, other times not so much... The Smuggler (male) is quite cheerful as well, certainly captures that feel of a han solo delivery.
  5. I haven't really been having any issues with Corellian Run.. Although having a small guild that's working together certainly adds to a certain camaradie.
  6. I had a brief jaunt around Tattooine but didn't actually encounter any Rakghouls... Had that twist show up when I went after Rogun the Butcher.. certainly throws a mental loop into the story.
  7. It's the joys of working with the family. One, he can upon occasion, fairly rock the whole passive-aggressive style. Two, he wants help but explicitly on his terms and the way he wants it done. Three, if he's saying how to do something, and you do it and it's wrong, you were obviously not paying attention to his comments.. Four, he has a habit of moving stuff out of his way and putting it exactly where he'll want to be moving 5 minutes from now, and then start complaining because there's stuff in the way. It's that typical, long, hard slog..and it's just surviving through it and getting the job done. Any arguments over it, just means the job doesn't get done and is a lot of hassle for no payoff.
  8. Yeesh. Just spent 3 hours "helping" my dad put in a new dishwasher... oh the joys. Now time for tea and snack break...
  9. Ah, but isn't that just available to the Sith Sorcerer? Not the Inquisitor in general... Unless it's something recent, I can't remember Static Shield on my Assassin..
  10. So apparently the dishwasher has sprung a leak... So the joys of dealing with that. Seems to be a day of hard chills hitting around here, so firmly on the hot cup of tea and keep near the radiators for added warmth.. Hm, and keeping a half-eye on the trial over in Norway. Some things do make you shake your head in disbelief at times.
  11. Okay, this might be a bit too darkly twisted humour whilst still being sad (as all unnatural death is).. but I couldn't think of another thread to put it in.. In an attempt to prevent a man committing suicide.. LA police tasered him to death. Well, into cardiac arrest, which led to coma, which led to death... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/16/sledge-hammer-tasered-_n_1429287.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003
  12. So Sean Bean pretty much dies in every movie he's been in... Can anyone think of a movie role in which he survives? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJODirze5EM Edit: Technically I suppose, he was pretty much invulnerable as Sharpe.. but that was a tv series more then movie roles...
  13. Hm, I hadn't noticed that much of an issue.. Although, on consideration my Sith Inquisitor probably did "die" a fair bit more then my Smuggler... but my Jedi Knight hasn't had survivability issues as such compared to others. Granted, he's still on Act I, so not too far into things....
  14. But can anything beat Joss Whedon's approach of "Cowboys and Hookers.. In Space!"?
  15. Raithe


    Amazon started off with massive discounts on Kindle, but when Apple moved in like that they had to raise the prices and actually appologised to customers for having to do it...
  16. And in case anyone had missed it and was interested.. Several of the Bioware folks discuss Mass Effect 3 at Pax East Bioware discusses ME3 endings, dlc and tali's face
  17. I have to admit, there's a certain level of awkwardness with Jimmy Vega. On the one hand, I can see why you need a new character like that - storywise it lets you have various explanations happen for people who hadn't played the previous games... But, eh, it didn't seem as smooth or natural as they could have made it. Although he didn't have any daddy/family issues to deal with...
  18. And for the other part of the Legacy update..
  19. And one that will probably amuse Hurl..
  20. Heh, and if you check my comment in the Books thread.. Apple are currently facing lawsuit by the DoJ for allegedly price-fixing ebooks..
  21. Well the Arrivial dlc had the whole "Shepard just blew up a solar system full of bataarians" and getting the whole "You realise you'll have to face the music for this?" speech from Hacket. This leads us to Shep willingly handing himself over to the Alliance to present his reasons and how it happened. I can understand Shep letting the Cerberus crew off, rather then casually hand them into Alliance custody as well. I mean, Kasumi - intergalactic thief, Mordin - ex salarian special task force super scientist, Miranda - former executive officer to Cerberus, etc... It kind of makes sense he does the whole "right, you lot get out here, so you're actually doing stuff in the Galaxy rather then facing the music with me." Although that gets a few holes poked in it by such as the Engineer's being in jail and needing you as Spectre to get them released (I do kind of wish they'd played t hat up more...). Joker was technically under arrest as well, but his expertise was needed to help the Alliance re-fit the new Normandy.. EDI, well, she was part of the ship and managed to conceal herself as just an advanced VI... Doctor Chakwa came along because she was former Alliance and hadn't technically joined Cerberus...
  22. So among the list of things from the 1.2 update..
  23. Quote of the day that kind of amuses me.. "As an officer, the job is to fullfill the mission objectives and kill as few of your command as possible. As an NCO, the job is to fullfill the mission objectives and keep the men alive. It's not so much semantics, as a shift in perspective."
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