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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Maybe a deliberate design choice, with consequences to happen if you do take the time out to do them? Or by doing them it will alter the main quest in some way? I kind of doubt it, but you never know....
  2. Since I'm suffering under cramped and non-ventilated areas with my pc at the moment.. I haven't really been able to spend chunks of time playing games. Managed a short burst of Saints Row Third - ran the "Gangsta's in Spaaace! dlc which was somewhat amusing. Getting some moments of Tor in. Pondering whether I should re-arrange my budget (both time and finance wise) to get a copy of Skyrim or not now..
  3. I could just imagine Alpha Protocol done like this.. Or..this done like Alpha Protocol..
  4. There was the "I don't think so" glowing lightning finger and dirty chuckle. I think he managed a few others scattered aroudn the film. But for some totally bizarre reason, they really managed to sell the character of Rayden...
  5. The sweltering heat is still here.. family members are beginning to snipe at each other or having some of the general shine rub off... I got to enjoy most of sunday with a heavy headache and a spontaneous nosebleed... And today, whilst I did manage a chunk of time digging through some of my old system engineering/software engineering books to re-inforce a few things.. I just seem to be in an odd mood I can't really place.
  6. And his laugh in Mortal Kombat was a serious contribution to the cinematic art in that film...
  7. It should be noted that Reynolds can do serious, and quite well too. See Safe House and Buried. Also look at his character in Smokin' Aces. He played that very straight and non-comedy, in a film that had a lot of..cwaziness. Especially when the ending arrives....
  8. Yes, sorry, the morass of annoying European bureaucrats sticking their toe in.. It tends to merge together. I forgot, if it was the American's telling people in Europe to change their laws and such-like it would be an obvious annoyance to people. But because it's the UK suffering under Europeans, it's the UK whinging...
  9. In contrast to that gaming extravaganza earlier in the thread.... the home of my pc setup for the next few weeks...
  10. Ah, and now, both in the name of providing some space for those relatives arriving tomorrow..and in keeping my sanity over the upcoming month.. my whole computer set-up is now crammed into a room that's about 4' by 6'..
  11. Endgame was okay. But then, I was a fan of the tv series, especially as it smoothed out over the first couple of years.
  12. The barbaric concept is believing that robbing people off freedom, punish and degrading them will somehow make them better people.. You know how we scorn parents who always criticize their kids and never take the time to teach them the skills to actually be good? The reason for that is it produces rotten kids - society works on a much similar principle, if people don't feel like they belong or that their actions have no real social consequence (ie they are hated no matter what), then what's gonna make them change? The carrot is infinitely better than a rod, especially working with people. Of course some a just looney and needs to be taken to a brightly lid facility with rubberwalls, but let's not judge every misdemeanor as deserving of that. okay, not every prisoner has no voting rights. I can't remember the exact breakdown, but pretty much the "misdemeanour" crowd , especially those who have sentences of a year or three are able to vote. But it's pretty much aimed at the "hard time" cons. And the moment they get out of prison, they can vote. But whilst they're in prison, as part of thepunishment for breaking the social contract and commiting crimes that get you arrested.. you can't vote. It's not like they are stripped of the vote to right until they die.
  13. Call me crazy, but having a bunch of non-elected officials, most of whom are bureaucrats rather then geniuses of legal ability and aren't even from your country tell your elected officials what they have to do, even in the face of the actual democratic voting on the matter... Especially when it started due to a literal Axe Murderer who delights in attempting to "game the system" making the original complaint?
  14. Apart from the boss fights.. I enjoyed the majority of DEHR. The art direction was coherent and solid throughout, and the storyline pretty much held together, which is rare enough in most games today..
  15. He was also a character named "Jesus" in one of those Mel Gibson snuff films. And he got hit by lightning during the filming of said film. He's also a devout christian, but won't push his beliefs on other people and actually learned Aramaic for the role, not just reading the phrases out loud or such.
  16. So how many folks have been paying attention to the ongoing issue between the EU Court of Human Rights and the UK's long stand that if you get sent to jail, you lose your vote while you're in prison? It really kicked off back in 2004, when a convicted axe murderer complained that he wasn't allowed to vote... and the ECHR ruled in favour of the man.. While the panel of unelected Judges (the majority of whom have never even held a Judicial position in their own countries) from the EU's Human Rights Court have been pushing this, the UK has had a few votes and even cross-party support in not giving into the pressure of changing the law. Daily Mail - Prisoner vote row : European judges insist prisoners MUST vote
  17. Jim Caviezel - You might remember him from the last remake of "The Count of Monte Cristo", as well as the currently running tv show "Person of Interest". I have to admit, I kind of enjoy Outlander it's an interesting use of a fairly typical fantasy/Viking story but wrapped up in limited sci-fi trappings. That and it has John Hurt and Ron Perlman to add a touch of gravitas, and Sophia Myles for some eye-candy that can act...
  18. They did say they only needed 500k subscribers for a brief time to get into profit (or something long those lines). So considering they hit the 2million units sold/subscription for the first month at least..and have been fairly consistent at that 1.6+ million mark for the last 3 months.. I'd say they're doing fairly well.
  19. And dang, nearly got stranded up in the Attic for a bit. Shifting stuff and the ladder broke under my feet, resulting in a rather frantic jump and grab to prevent tumbling down...
  20. Aunt and Uncle are turning up from Australia for the next month (on and off). So despite much urgings to deal with it before hand, it's still turning into the flurry of activity over the several days before they actually land. Shifting stuff around, clearing it into the attic, trying to persuade people that yes, they can get rid of it because they haven't actually used it for years and having it in storage in the craft room "just in case" is kind of pointless.. Since I've had my computer set up near my mothers bed/main area (since I'm her primary carer and she's disabled) I'm trying to figure out where I can get a comfortable space to shift it all to. Nothing personal, but her sister and brother in law are nice and fine in small doses. And we hear from both of them how much they "love and miss each other" due to being on different continents.. but give them a couple of days together and they will wind each other up something chronic. It might be selfish, but I so don't want to be stuck in the same damn room as them for large chunks of time over the next month.... And of course, in the middle of this rush and getting furniture and assorted stuff shifted and cleaned.. mom decides now is the time to insist that pieces of DIY are done around the house even if its taking time out from making sure there's actually space for those familial visitors to sleep... Hanging new rail curtains, and other moments of purely That and the general sniping and joyous feeling occuring between mom and dad over it all.. I foresee great, fun times over the next few weeks... I'm trying to not get involved in that side, and just get the jobs all done and completed.
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