Oh no Anita Blake has a mixed group that builds up over time, but its ALL about the protagonist and goes a wee bit more porn like at various stages of the series. It's got its guilty pleasure aspect of supernatural urban fantasy / murder aspects and some entertaining characters, but I would never characterise it as a pure group thing.
I think the trouble with looking for a book series is that publishers like a defined Protagonist. They might be involved in a group, but they nearly always have to be that solo figure doing the majority of the angst and involved in the storyline.
Hm, in a sense the Honor Harrington series evolves into group efforts , as the characters that started out as crewmembers under a central protagonist evolve and reach their own positions of command within the Royal Manticoran Navy. So stories start developing with multiple points of view and actions happening across a galaxy as they try to deal with various threats to their "country".
I think if you're looking at books rather then comics, you're more likely to find series that might have a strong protagonist role who just happens to have a supporting group of characters around them. WIth the occasional spin off story that follows one of those supporting characters.
I think there are a few Urban Fantasy series that do that, although a fair few mix in elements of romance so ...