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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. It's always fun to have dreams of running and jumping, and then you wake up and find half your body is locked tense...
  2. The Doctor Who Christmas Special. It had its ups and downs. But at least the silliness had a good reason this time, the whole dream within a dream made weirdness a valid thing. This last season has been a bit odd. The character development between Clara and the Doctor seem to have been the main line, with all the episode stories being more afterthoughts just to give them some stage to strut around on while talking. Then the whole "is she/isn't she" of whether they were keeping Clara as a companion, and not deciding it till the last minute. Makes me wonder if that last 5 minutes of the show was added on rather than the original plan.... I will say Nick Frost worked magic as Santa Claus. A combination of merriment and edge.
  3. Sex and Death 101 A quirky little tale of drama, comedy and romance. Simon Baker as a man who in the days before his marriage, receives an email containing a list of the 29 women he's slept with...and a further 72 names he will have sex with in the future. While he first goes into crisis mode over it, then enjoys it, he quickly finds it leaving him feeling quite the odd man out. At the same time Winona Ryder is a slightly gothic femme fatale "serial killer" who keeps putting her victims (various misogynistic men) into chemically induced comas. It is a strange little film, with some interesting turns, some good lines, nice performances, and some chuckles. But it can't really fit into a good description. Not quite deep enough for the drama, a bit too jaded for the romance, and it's not a laugh every five minutes for an outright comedy. I'd class it as enjoyable, but you need to be in the right frame of mind to get into it.
  4. Okay, this looks like it's going to be a gloriously bad enjoyable viewing... http://youtu.be/SZ2628TiTyw
  5. I thought I'd have a brief return to Shadows of Mordor, just for the joys of ork decapitation...
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SHNP0n0O1U
  7. As the Eve rolls along.. It's always about the feels. http://youtu.be/fCNvZqpa-7Q
  8. Although, I am surprised we haven't had any along the seasonal lines yet..
  9. http://youtu.be/xYpu4apIDSI
  10. Oh, the mix of things. Infection, fluids in the lungs, strange this that and the other. Multiple weeks of antibiotics through central line, and issues not being able to put her in the MRI scanners and such because of the magnet in her head (amid other things). Various specialists going through a slow process of clearing her organs one by one as they try to figure it out, and of course its Christmas so various specialists who booked time off make it even more difficult to get sensible times for advanced medical processes and machinery.
  11. Happy Birthday Shady. Struggling to find the Christmas cheer a the moment, it's feeling distinctly non-christmasy. Then again, from the sounds of it , my mother's in hospital till the new year now. The only Christmas decoration up is a 6 inch light-up Christmas tree that plugs into my pc...
  12. 36 of D has her moments to shine. It's also where the Doctor really starts pulling out the best moments from here on out.
  13. Well, if you're going to blame me for things...
  14. The times they have been changing..
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