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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Sky - EU campaign damages respect for politicians
  2. Snerk. (and no, I haven't fully decided just yet)
  3. Heh. and then I run into a big editorial over how if Britain votes leave, it could lead to Trump winning the US Election. Is this scare tactics run wild?
  4. Remember Bruce, Europe is a very big case of "me against my brother, my brother and I against the world..." just with a lot more underhanded chicanery going on. And a few cousins that somehow got married.
  5. BBC - UK and the EU: Better off out or in? A look at the issues and what both sides have to say.
  6. One of the interesting quirks I've noted of late, is the push to say that the Leave campaign is anti-globalisation. Now, while a chunk of the Leave do seem to contain a bunch of xenophobic isolationists, a whole batch of the Leave campaign has been pushing on the idea that once we're out of the EU we'll be able to have better trade relations and connections with the world at large outside of Europe. Now, is it me, but isn't that actually kind of pro-globalisation?
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IptvSQY9Qa8
  8. Cameron says he must do more to make the case for staying
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkAQaECakNc
  10. As a friend said: "All I can say is, Death had better be casting an awesome movie with a damn fine soundtrack..."
  11. Roland Emmerich is rebooting the Stargate Universe
  12. Bruce, I feel you're missing the key thrust of this. It's not a question of whether they'll be benign or not. The question is would you really, truly be perfectly happy to abandon your say in your government purely on the fuzzy promise that they'll look after you in the future. But if they don't.. you'll have given up your chance to argue with them or vote them out of office.
  13. Uh, Dude, this is not giving up bureaucracy. This is increasing bureaucracy, this is giving up your DEMOCRATIC vote. You will have NO say in the laws. You will not get to vote for representatives who make laws. You will not get the right to vote representatives out of office who make laws you think are wrong. Once laws are made by the EU, there is NO process to have them repealed. The people who make the laws aren't voted for. So, it's pretty much giving up any sense of having a say in how the government works. Just be a good little boy, give us the taxes, let us have our money, and trust us to do good by you. Be happy that you have a safe zone.
  14. It does seem to be having that point of "Don't worry, we promise we'll keep you economically secure and happy. You just have to stop worrying your heads about democratic voting and trust the bureaucracy to handle everything."
  15. Hmm Whitehall fears Russian football hooligans had Kremlin links
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