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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. When you see this in a synopsis, you have to read it out of sheer curiosity...
  2. The Globe and Mail - He'll likely lose, but Trump is the final warning to the elites
  3. Now that just makes me sad. For the best part, that was originally a flowchart made up by Playboy...
  4. It might be funny, but its also true...
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_PHzBr6-ts&feature=youtu.be
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs1CIrwg5zU
  7. I think at the moment they're keeping Mystique in that more.. angry rebel provocateur type rather than the full-blown seductress spy femme fatale. Who knows how they'll develop it over time. If they do much more X-movies.
  8. For no serious political reason...
  9. Okay, this somewhat amused me.. FOIA'd documents reveal Stranger Things really freaked out the Department of Energy
  10. Yeah. It's where they've lost me with this game I think. Technically, if it was all released in one piece together, you can get away with 5 missions that don't show the storyline, but slowly introduce things. Because you'll swiftly pick up the story that pulls you in. But after 9 months and no real storyline that's catching you as a character, its very awkward to stir up the enthusiasm to go to the next episode. Sure, the gameplay is technically excellent and a lot of fun, but after 3 or 4 episodes of that its only part of what pulls you with a Hitman game.
  11. Gamespot - Hitman's Story is Just Getting Started
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve_p8QeWry4&feature=youtu.be
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