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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. My build went with a diplomat who has dual weapons with a minor in lightning. I have to admit, I'm not having too many issues with the Companion AI. They seem to use their abilities fairly well, and adding a couple of spells to everyone is also useful. Having a couple of extra heal or buff spells that they use on their own recognizance without micromanaging it is nice. Of course, saying that, the pathfinding AI truly sucks donkeys balls. They constantly get hung up or walk in circles around an opponent before carrying out the attack you told them to, so some really bizarre decisions there.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH3-Gt7mgyM
  3. I actually went back and played through that first part again. Things make a lot more sense when you realise all those small scraps of paper you found are the spell doohickies you need to learn to create the spells that stop mobs swarming you. Now I can create frost cones and ranged lightning bolts , heal from a distance and such like.
  4. To insert something else here... Since he can't make another Hellboy, Ron Perlman is going to run for President in 4 years.
  5. The whole Conquest slice of things was an interesting part to the character creation and I'm curious just how that'll turn out as the game proceeds. Made my way through the first stage and pausing at the meeting with the Archons so I can deal with real life stuff.
  6. So is this the song for the day? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7APmRkatEU
  7. Huh. I was about to jump back into a bit of arsing around on ME3. I hadn't realised that they have to validate all DLC with the servers every single time you run the game, I'd assumed it was like the previous games where it validated the first time you switched it on. So with the ME server apparently being down, it won't validate anything and therefore won't let me load my save game.
  8. Ran through the tutorial of Dishonored 2, it's looking fairly pretty and keeping to the atmospheric slice of the first game. Trying to decide if I reaaaaly want to start playing the game proper at 1am....
  9. What, this isn't doing the rounds yet?
  10. To quote the soon to be President ... "It was rigged."
  11. For the distraction from politics... I'd heartily recommend Women in Gold for anyone in the mood for a serious film. Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds doing a based on the true story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu9JeTX6Sdw
  12. Also, for the slightly British view of it all... <whistles innocently> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YQN6L3VnNY
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