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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. "Dreadcurve, Prince Xentarch of the Aurillian Brotherhood. And the She-Deacon"
  2. Heh, it was some seriously cheesy, joyful fun. Dang, now I want to dig out the dvd and re-watch it... AVClub - The Phantom paid tongue in cheek homage to old timey do-gooders but never got its due
  3. Did you not see his Trump diatribe? Warning, there is some bad language.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLG9g7BcjKs
  4. Doubted it was real either as there’s no way it would keep rolling that long. "Jonathan Pie" is a fairly long running fictitious spoof news reporter played by Tom Walker. And is usually quite spot on with a lot of the things he's ranted over, although he's also played somewhat deliberately contrarian as well. BBC - Some people think I'm really Jonathan Pie
  5. From another author (David Weber) weighing in on the batch of conventions disinviting folks due to political issues...
  6. Could this be a little over the top? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_bV6syHhDU
  7. Wrapped up all the university work, so that's now done for the year. Just have that pause to wait for my actual results, and then the graduation ceremony in June/July some time. Should probably start applying for jobs, but eh, I think I'm going to take a week or two to just unwind. I have picked up a 20 year old bottle of port and a couple of Arturo Fuente Anejo "Shark" 77's, juggling the decision of whether to pre-emptively celebrate now or wait till I'm sure..
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVzuE8T9A8I
  9. Have my presentation of my research paper today. Deciding how OTT to do the "dress up more smartly than casual student outfit" comment we were all given. Suited and booted yes, but.. hm. checking the weather. Maybe waistcoat and pocketwatch. Possibly two-tone shoes or the snakeskin cowboy boots. Maybe even a cravat instead of a tie.... Sometimes you just have to find the incredibly silly options to help you through the day....
  10. I might by chance have spent more time playing Deadfire than in the revision I had planned... But I will say this, Deadfire is really quite pretty...
  11. Juggling procrastination. On the one hand.. I have an exam tomorrow, and presentation on Monday to prepare for. On the other.. Deadfire did get released.
  12. Isn't there technically a slight difference between supple leather.. and actual boiled leather that does provide more of a firm defense against the typical bronze and early iron age weapons from those periods in time? There's a vast difference between a bronze age khopesh, or antenna sword, the iron age roman spatha, and a damascus steel scimitar. Of course, that was also the reason they the Legions swiftly evolved to metal lorica segmenta and then early forms of chain mail... Of course, if you just want some interesting and pretty designs... Check out https://www.princearmory.com/gallery/
  13. For thsoe who might be looking for some random sci-fi... Story Bundle - SciFi
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