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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fGezJ6HfUA
  2. Puttering around with Yakuza 0 a bit. I do have to say, trying to play some of the mini-games with a keyboard and mouse is incredibly painful. Also have to get back to play through the last half of Vampyr. Life disrupted my gameplay the other month and I haven't been in the right mood for gothic vampire stuff.
  3. When you're having a look at something on IMDB to track down a half-remembered thing, and in the process realise an actor wrote their own mini-bio with a distinct tongue-in-cheek look at their own life...
  4. Most of it isn't worth reading to be fair I am hurt that you would say such a thing.
  5. hmmm? look two posts above that... And for fresh funny stuff: Four Catholic ladies are having coffee together, discussing how important their children are. The first one tells her friends, “my son is a priest. When he walks into a room, everyone calls him “Father.” The second Catholic women chirps, “Well, my son is a Bishop. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, “Your Grace.” ... The third Catholic woman says smugly, “well, not to put you down, but my son is a cardinal. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, “Your Eminence.” The fourth Catholic women sips her coffee in silence. The first three women give her a subtle “Well…?” She replies, “My son is a gorgeous, 6’2”, hard-bodied male stripper. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, “My God”.
  6. In case this got missed... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0 Edit: Woops, this is what happens when you spottily check this thread, someone already posted it. Ah well.
  7. When you realise most of the forum regulars seem to be hitting that middle-aged point and starting families...
  8. Heh. The fun of trying to explain Watership Down to a Mexican, and that it's considered a children's classic in England... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S26LA8Bk14
  9. One that has an interesting concept will be out soon ; Perilous Realm (I believe on netflix) Basically, that semi-fictionalised, semi-biopic series that follows JRR Tolkien and C S Lewis as they met, form a friendship, work their way past the shellshock of WW1, build their families and turn their bedtime stories and fairie tales into the characters and tales that will become their books. I've seen a few small bits about it, but can't trace down anything exact, which is somewhat annoying. Dangit, although the more I search for details the less I find. Making me wonder if it's partially faked somewhere and then spun out in the rumour mill.
  10. For one point of view.. The Unbearable Darkness of YA literature As one author commented on it:
  11. So what did you end up watching and how did you like what you saw? I ended up watching your suggestion, Army of Darkness. Weird and outdated effects, Comical writing, and bizarre sound effects... It was all I ever wanted. Thank you majestic! If you enjoyed it, you might like to know that they then made a tv series 20 years on that follows on what happens to Ash... It's currently in it's third season now.
  12. Apparently, the Big Trouble in Little China remake with Dwayne Johnson isn't actually going to be a remake. They're continuing with the universe, the events of the original Big Trouble will have happened in the past, and Dwayne isn't going to be playing Burton but a new character. Details and rumours continue to fly...
  13. I keep seeing stuff about John Carter, the big box office bomb and the critics scathing reviews of it being unimaginative, so I rewatched it, and dang it, I have to say I enjoy that pulpy sci-fi adventure romp. It flopped because the Director got to lead the ad campaign for it, and he was a total fanboy who thought John Carter was as familiar in peoples homes as Batman was so he ran the hype train in a terrible manner. And all the critics seem to have forgotten that the "unimaginative" they like to quote is because the story created half the cliches that have been used for the last 70 years in sci-fi. Okay, when doing an old classic you might want to give some thought to that, but don't say it's unoriginal and "been seen before" when it created the damn concepts.
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