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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Quote for the Day I was somewhat amused by: "This years Superbowl, both teams are playing like they know whoever wins will end up going to the White House."
  2. This was one that slipped by in the New Year... Chow Yun-fat pledges his $700 million fortune to charity "This money isn't something you possess forever. When you're gone one day, you have to leave it to others to use it." He told a reporter.
  3. Sirtis used to say that she could tell how many lines she would have in an episode by looking at the amount of cleavage costume design had her showing. In fact one of the reasons she pushed the writers to put in that whole story arc of Troi taking the tests to be bridge command capable was to get a "standard" Federation uniform to wear instead of the wide and varied stuff they put her in regularly.
  4. Because who doesn't like a lightning strike over an erupting volcano?
  5. Well, the juggle of weird things or funny...
  6. "Wonder Woman outing herself as a FemDom sex worker..."
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGueiFfgvqA
  8. Nasa - Research scientist visits island, 3 years after he saw it form from space
  9. Major iPhone FaceTime bug lets you hear the audio of the person you are calling...before they pick up
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