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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I have to admit, I saw "online only, co-op game" and was all.. Meh. I'm unlikely to bother because that means the story is likely to be non-existant, and I want games that let my single player fill up hours. Personal tastes and all that. Now I'm sitting back and going "Wow, this is what they pulled resources away from Andromeda for as I see the news." Ah well. Maybe there's a learning experience in there and the Bioware people might recover. Before EA shoots them.
  2. In rememberance.. Movieline - Vampire Pop - The 1992 Article about then filming Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  3. The Foreigner. Interesting one, Jackie Chan as the small restaurant owner with a slightly fuzzy background whose daughter is killed by a rogue IRA operation in London, and he then ends up going to terrorise some politically correct IRA (headed by Pierce Brosnan) working on the peace process to get names of who killed his daughter. No frantic martial arts or acrobatics, but a nice pace of tension and character overall. A few twists and turns to the politics, the lies, and manipulations going on behind the scenes and then ends on a fairly low key, slightly somber note.
  4. I was getting into that game, but I started to find a lot of the fun mini-games have terrible pc ported game controls that seem to make them incredibly difficult. It's that juggle of pondering if it's actually worthwhile to invest in a controller just for one freaking game.
  5. To be fair, both China and Korea pump out a huge amount of those reincarnation webnovels. Some are funny, some are serious, some are pulpy, and some are just soooo downright weird.
  6. Actor, children's-literacy and AIDS-research advocate LeVar Burton named 2019 Inamori Ethics Prize-winner
  7. Caught Aquaman last night. Enjoyed it, did not have the DC feel to it, but more of that adventure style pulpness. Definitely more humour in the first section of it then you expect in most DC films, but the latter half toned down the yucks for more serious CGI battles. Although it is hard to see Dafoe in that costume without having flashbacks to his Green Goblin.
  8. I was very tempted to put this in the funny things thread but... PcGamer - Plague Inc. is getting Anti-Vaxxers thanks to a petition
  9. I have to admit, neither of the DLC's for this have jumped me with the "I need to pick these up" yet. They're in that slightly "meh, I'll pick them up at some point when they're on sale" and get around to them rather than a "Wow, they look really interesting and add something to the experience."
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