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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I try to make sure to read Count of Monte Cristo at least once a year. Slow paced revenge drawn out over decades... with some dark elements of human nature wrapped around optimism and some swashbuckling intrigue. What's not to enjoy? As pointed out, the word count because Dumas was paid by the word. So there are some sections that really draw out background elements, fashions, geography and literature of the time rather than focus on the pure plot.
  2. ArtTechnica - Neurons hide their memories in their imaginary fluctuations
  3. E R Braithwaite, author of "To Sir, With Love" dies at 104
  4. How to Invent Everything. A Survival Guide For A Stranded Time Traveler. An interesting walk through important technologies for an industrial civilisation.. How it works, why it works, the historical progressions that led to it.. and what you need to invent it in any period on Earth that you might be dropped in. Tongue in cheek, entertaining, and actually quite accurate for breaking down complex stuff into simple concepts and explanations.
  5. A few years old now, but JMS doing a Con-talk. What's interesting is the 27-28 minute mark, where he talks about the B5 cast members they've lost, and reasons behind who they were, and what happened with them.
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