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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. For an old story worth mentioning.. (This needs to be a film.. Kung Fu Nuns?) Hundreds of nuns trained in Kung Fu bike the Himalayas to oppose human trafficking
  2. " Just to be clear, Trump is currently, this morning, calling on foreign leaders to investigate Biden in the midst of an impeachment proceeding about whether he has encouraged foreign leaders to investigate Biden " " Trump encouraged foreign election interference on his behalf from two countries in the course of one 7-minute media availability. "
  3. Have some people I know attending Anachro-Con in Georgia this coming February, and got an invite along to catch up with them. So I decided to take time off work and book a flight over the pond for it. Of course, not originally paying attention to the specific date until after I said I'd go, I've suddenly realised it's that whole 14th-16th February Valentines Weekend... and one of those people is an ex of mine. So that might be a little quirky. Still, steampunk ahoy and all that.
  4. Had one of those long weekends. Took Friday off work, had all sorts of plans and things to get done. Then just that constant stream of petty, minor mechanical issues cropping up to nearly everything I was doing. I mean, sure, we all get those "5 minute job that ends up taking an hour because x happened", that's part and parcel of life. But good grief, EVERYTHING this weekend was that. I'm almost looking forward to Monday for the love of life. With the way Murphy has been riding everything creative I've tried doing this weekend, I've decided against cooking flapjack cookies and pondering on a deep bath, and/or watching Dollhouse on Amazon Prime instead.
  5. Wired - Google's "Quantum Supremacy" isn't the end of encryption
  6. Trump White House - The irony of the Secret System "Instead, the transcript was loaded into a separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature. One White House official described this act as an abuse of this electronic system because the call did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective."
  7. I was being entertained by this.. up to the point of "Roman War Chariots"...
  8. The New Yorker - Trump says he has been treated very unfairly by the people who wrote the constitution
  9. Sony and Marvel strike new deal to keep Spider-Man in the MCU
  10. The Onion - Area family putting a little money away to one day blow on a single health scare...
  11. Mary Mallory / Hollywood Heights - Schafer Simplifies portraits The background of the photographer who gave the world "Thou shalt not"
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