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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Isn't that kind of how you ended up with Trump in the White House in the first place?
  2. What, no chaps? Can we not handle the chaps?
  3. And while I am tempted to put this in politics...
  4. And now we wait for the various "glue" jokes to turn up....
  5. Heh, even Fox is having to carry the news... Although they do try to add their own spin to the end of it. Fox News - POTUS to pay $2 million in Trump Foundation settlement after admitting to misuse of funds
  6. Watched an episode of Prodigal Son out of curiosity, which led to watching several episodes. While most of it is the fairly hum-drum procedural of the week wrapped around the core premise of a profiler whose father was a serial killer, every episode I've caught has pretty much been stolen by the brief moments of Michael Sheen in the supporting role as the serial killer father in prison. He manages to engage both as that chilling manipulative, former high society surgeon revealed as a very controlled psychopath, yet at the same time as a desperate father trying to stay connected with the son he loves.
  7. "Governing by tantrum has resulted in President Trump holding his breath until Kentucky turned Blue..."
  8. Re-watching some classics, and get that reminder that after a season of comedy, Blackadder Goes Forth ends with a few laughts but still nails the poignancy of that moment in history.
  9. The Art of Manliness - The Power of Conversation; A lesson from CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien
  10. You really have to wonder if we're in the 21st century at times... BBC - Spanish anger as five men accused of gang-raping a teenager are acquitted since she was unconscious and did not resist them
  11. And for always useful to know... 8 Fact-checking websites
  12. Well actually they have done proof of it at 110m away, from a building overlooking an office with one in... So a bit more that that "within several meters"...
  13. Podcast that might be of quirky interest to some folks: http://thepulpwritershow.libsyn.com/episode-1
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