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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Universal-Sci - All life on Earth is made up of the same 20 amino acids, and scientists now think they know why
  2. And always worth a re-post for consideration of your news sources....
  3. Also, for the random quotage of anonymous internet personage:
  4. I'm seeing a few people point out a constitutional element that says if a President is impeached by Congress, but not convicted by the Senate, his first term is nullified, and thus he's eligible to run for office for a third term? So, is that actually a thing or just one of those internet fake facts?
  5. Slate - Trump on Impeachment : In 2008 interview, Trump praises Pelosi and wonders why she didn't impeach Buch because he lied
  6. I would be very tempted to put this in the funny thread..but it's too damn scary.
  7. Increasingly Necessity - 15 point guide to surviving authoritarianism
  8. How the UK Parliment seats changed from 2017 to 2019...
  9. Congrats TN. Life goes on. Also, is this going meta? A 3d print of me in a 3d Print..?
  10. The cat had been acting out of sorts, and suddenly started walking funny. The vets initially thought it was sudden onset athritis, and gave us pain meds for him. A week later, after spending 90% of his time curled up on top of the laptop bag rather than doing anything he starts staggering, walking with an arched back and face to the floor. Turns out he had a large tumour in his spine. So now he has gone to the big sleep. The weekend has had that slow dismantling of cat-trees and collecting up the various scattered toys and grooming stuff.
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