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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I've been juggling that stress of work, and chill at home thing. Also doing some of that last minute prep before heading out to Atlanta in a week or two to visit some friends and see what Anachro-Con is like (Steampunk Convention as you might guess). It's always fun to have that "I know I have an ESTA and passport that's valid, but I'm suddenly having that paranoia I made a mistake and have to triple check" a couple of weeks before flying out. That quick check on what I'm taking and plotting out converting pounds to dollars - at least with the uncertainty of Brexit in the past and Trumps' governance, the exchange rate is going back up apparently. Now I have a week and a half to make sure work is all sorted and folks can handle me not being around and being a good data monkey for my holiday. Of course, since I booked it all some months in advance, there's the joy of international flight and conventions while people are panicking over the Coronavirus.
  2. After watching two episodes of Picard, I can say there are ups, there are downs. But.. I think the key point I'm taking away from it is that it is very much not an episodic show like we're used to with Trek. Trek has done arcs, but they've always had each episode has a fairly clear beginning and end to a story, and it's connected to an arc. Picard.. is not doing that. Episode 1 is more a setup and get Picard off the couch, episode 2 is more the pilot episode starting a show up. I think it's one where the storyline won't click until you've actually had most of the season shown. I'm settling in to consider it as one incredibly lengthy movie that's just being shown in parts rather than a tv show.
  3. As we're moving onwards on the news and teasers of Dune, just to highlight who's playing who..
  4. Things can be interesting to see what goes into it..
  5. Bored Panda - Studen Loan, impossible to pay stories
  6. GamesRadar = Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic sequel is reportedly in the works
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