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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. NBC News - White House doctors will now check the temperature of all who are about to come into contact with Trump and Pence
  2. Shooting on the Wheel of Time has been suspended due to all the things going on in Europe at the moment... However, they have already shot about 60-70% of the first season, and from the sounds of it the shooting was being done in fairly episode chronology...
  3. ThreadReader - Prof.Ian Donald A whooole lot of assumptions if that is the strategy.
  4. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/03/12/rep_katie_porter_vs_cdc_director_coronavirus_testing_costs_1330_administration_can_make_it_free.html?jwsource=cl
  5. It does highlight a few things. Advice to take time off from work if you have flu-like symptoms, and get checked by the doctor. Now, if you're working the service industry in the US, averaging about $8.70 an hour, not getting medical insurance from the job... Not getting any serious paid sick leave, and barely scraping rent while feeding the kids. Can you afford to take time off, and the (from what several people have told me) is likely a $300-400 Doctor's bill for the average GP visit and test? If they don't take time off and they have it, they become spreaders of any potential disease. If they do take time off and visit the doctor, it's maybe not paying the rent that month.
  6. And an interesting demonstration of data... Instagram - InfoBeautiful ; COVID-19 DataPack
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