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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Citizens for Ethics - Ivanka Trump Business Wins Approval for 16 New Trademarks Despite Being Shut Down
  2. Watched that Aladdin remake. Dang it, it's one that is fairly decent for the most part, it just fails to catch the magic of Robin Williams and suffers from that comparison. Still, it catches a lot of the feel of Arabian Nights, and now I have the urge to track down the old Sinbad films or the Thief of Baghdad
  3. I was meaning more in the classic sense of Tomb Raider, not the murder-hobo torture porn Tomb Raider.
  4. Well, as I said earlier, Jedi Fallen Order is very much an exploring platform Tomb Raider style game much more than a combat action type. So keep that in mind for what mood you're in to play...
  5. The Wheel of Time tv series - Round up of all the current information
  6. I did find it amusing that Cats had a patch rushed to the cinemas. Apparently the digital version they initially sent out to cinemas hadn't actually had all the final touchups done to it, hence a cat with a human hand and wedding band, etc. So they literally sent a patched version out to update the digital media cinemas had already... Patching, it's not just for software these days.
  7. Giving Star Wars Fallen Order a whirl. Okay, I'm going to say up-front, it's a good game. But it's a good game with a however. Its an averagely good game. But what raises the bar is that its a competent good game with no particular weaknesses. It's not an overly actiony action game, it's much more like Tomb Raider in Star Wars, in the sense that it's more about the platform exploration and solve a few puzzles along the way more than anything else. It's got some elements that are really nice - Your holomap of where you've explored is projected by your robot companion, and it really highlights where you are, where you've been, routes you can't access yet (due to skills or tools not yet acquired), and routes you have found but haven't explored but ar ecapable of. The lightsaber combat is..decent. Again, it's that "averagely good with nothing significant to complain about", but I really don't understand why some critics have raved about it. It doesn't have the swooshing frenzy of joy that the Jedi Knight games had. It's fluid, but doesn't make me go "yeah!" Force powers are fairly understated, but that makes sense, your character is a padawan who wasn't fully trained and then spent several years hiding and not practicing his abilities. So again , you have that comparison that you don't have the variety or the over-the-top cinematic force powers of Force Unleashed or the like. I think that's what it actually comes down to. Nothing actually falls flat, but not much really wows you either. The combat, the force powers, it's all understated but competent. Which makes sense for the storyline, but it doesn't really evoke much feeling of wonder or joy. It's engaging, but more so if you like the idea of Star Wars Tomb Raider.
  8. Prepare the tissues... Borepanda - Artist Who’s Responsible For Making People Cry With ‘Good Boy’ And Black Cat Comics Just Released A Sequel
  9. I watched Rambo Last Blood the other night. The supposed "final loop in the circle" of the Rambo films. Very slow paced start, Rambo running a ranch, the half adopted niece he's been raising as he deals with PTSD by building vietcong style tunnels all under his property but generally having found peace with himself. Then the neice goes on a trip to Mexico to find her real father, gets snatched by some local mexican cartel to be used in the sex slave trade, thus leading to Rambo returning to wreak bloody vengeance...but he doesn't actually. But by that point half the film has already gone, and then Rambo doesn't actually show that much tactical sense and getting the crap kicked out of him as an aging white guy in areas he shouldn't be in Mexico. It all culminates in a final 30 minute section of a cartel group running across the border to the US to invade Rambo's ranch, and the vietcong-style tunnels showing how much he remembered and got to kill of the invaders. It had some nice moments, and some very stupid ones. All in all, it felt very unsatisfying.
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