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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Okay, more of that "i know it could happen, but it seems ridiculous that that sort of organised, institutionalised, butchery could occur in modern day "free" world. " I didn't think we were quite at the cyberpunk mega-corporate human-rights violations stage manner just yet.
  2. And for one of those headlines to make you blink: https://www.businessinsider.com/mexico-citizen-received-non-consensual-surgery-while-in-ice-detention-2020-10?r=US&IR=T That's one of those "No, that's got to be wrong. That couldn't happen in America." reactions to seeing a new story on first thought.
  3. Years ago when I got into dabbling in JDoramas (ie, amusingly subbed Japanese tv series) one of the ones I ended up watching was a generally silly slice of life/romance called Hana Yori Dango (translates as Boys Over Flowers) about the four playboy sons of leading tycoons at an elite school and how their life gets disrupted by a "commoner" girl who ends up a student there. Now as I was idly flicking through Netflix I found 15 years on there's been a Korean remake of it. I am tempted to see just how well the amusingly adolescent cheese translates...
  4. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/watch-dogs-legion-is-more-horrifying-than-expected/1100-6483093/
  5. Eh, funny from a certain point of view...
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