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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. To go in that quirky niche thing.. A fan has re-edited that fairly terrible Wheel of Time pilot that was done on a budget one weekend in an attempt to keep the rights... https://winteriscoming.net/2020/09/02/terrible-wheel-of-time-pilot-reedited-snyder-cut-winter-dragon-reborn/
  2. Just watched BIll and Ted Face the Music. It is that seriously joyfully feelgood movie. Plus, it is kind of entertaining to go from Keanu's intense John Wick to slackjawed bodaciousness.
  3. One of our generic "mixed ridiculous short quiz/contest shows with a panel of comedians and minor-league celebrities who take no seriousness in any of it" programs... We seem to do a lot of those for some reason...
  4. https://trekmovie.com/2020/08/23/watch-dr-bashir-garak-express-their-love-in-fanfic-performed-by-alexander-siddig-andrew-robinson/?
  5. Watched the first half of season 5 Lucifer. Has an odd feel, every episode so far is a shift in perspective from the "normal" setup and structure of an episode. Some minor emotional ups and downs, a few chuckles, a dash of creative backstory. Then in the opening of episode 5 "Detective Amenadiel" I have the first serious laugh our loud moment. Chloe's "I'm going to stick to police work, and avoid anything God-related." <scene cut to slow camera pan> "Sister's of the Divine Path" and a dead nun, along with the music intro of "Personal Jesus".
  6. "What's the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid?" "Wished I was an adult."
  7. I enjoyed a lot of season 2, added more flesh to the universe so to speak. It's interesting to see the fallout from how they mashed certain characters from the books together in season 1 and changed things for a different media format.
  8. I've actually got this week off of work. Planning to actually sit down and wrap up the group of Assassin's Creed games I haven't actually finished yet - Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey. They've been lurking there basically halfway done and I've got to see how they look on the upgraded machine now...
  9. A Monday. Ugh. A bank holiday. Yay. A headache. Ugh. But, some paracetamol, plenty of tea, the soundtrack to the 90's Three Musketeers (Bryan Adams, Sting, and Rod Stewart) and assorted other Dumas film adaption scores whilst skim reading the Honor Harrington series. Since this morning I've gone through books 1-4. Now making a stir fry from the leftover chicken from yesterday and finally turned on the pc to check the assorted mail, world news and suchlike.
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