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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Eh, I'll always favour that Fate of Atlantis over a Wolfenstein style...
  2. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/thirteen-charged-federal-court-following-riot-united-states-capitol Well, it is kind of interesting to see how they go about charging these people.
  3. Error 404 Your Haiku could not be found Try again later
  4. Was the election rigged? Let’s take a look. — Sen. Jeff Jackson | by Sen. Jeff Jackson | Jan, 2021 | Medium
  5. Yeah, I found the Quick Hack , Breaching, Stealth all levelled up fairly smoothly. Well, when I say fairly smoothly, I had them around 16-18 after that 104 hours of my first playthrough. Handguns and Blades were around 14-15, whilst my Athletics was incredibly draggy and I think was just hovering at 8 or 9. Having a proper pause from the game now, letting things settle, my memory haze a touch, and what patches might turn up in the next month before properly getting into a second play.
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