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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. ComicSands - White Woman tries to attack Black Woman in Victoria's Secret - Then Fains when she realises she's on camera
  2. Distracting myself with getting back on the crafty times train... London Comic-Con is back in the real-world come October, so re-working some elements, repairing, and trying a few fresh things out. Printing, Sanding, Priming... Putting that base paint layer... Then bringing out some of the details... Actually thinking I might try using the solid waist/ab pieces of the armour to make silicon mold, and try creating some semi-rigid rubber versions just to make it easier to bend/sit down in. Although I have no idea of what that would involve or added costs. Possibly some time to research.
  3. For another things that is obviously going to surprise so many people... Trump raised $75m to challenge election result and didn’t spend any of it on challenging the election result (msn.com)
  4. Thought for the Day: "The oil industry is large-scale necromancy. We dig into million year old tombs, pump out the sludge of concentrated dead stuff, animate with fire and air, and harness the energy of countless corpses, forcing them to drive our engines, all while the visceral filth permeates the air and water."
  5. Driver's Ed over here has never been something related to school. Of course, we have to wait till 17 to get a provisional license, but all lessons, and the tests themselves are paid for privately. Funny note, I have a friend who went out to the US back around.. oh 1999/2000 and got married to a girl in California. He went out with his UK provisional driving license, never having taken his test and gotten a full license. Showed his provisional to the DMV and did the "I'm a UK citizen moving over here", and they gave him a USA driving licence to use, since apparently whoever he was dealing with at the DMV didn't actually understand the UK's split of provisional / full license. Then on a return visit to his family over here, he showed his DMV issued license to the relevant government body as a full driving license, so they then gave him the UK driving license. He's not taken the driving exams in either country. Although I'm assuming by now, with the power of the internet, that sort of bureaucratic overlook has been tidied up.
  6. Dungeons & Dragons Novels, Video Games, and Other Spin-Offs Are Not Canonical to D&D Roleplaying Game (comicbook.com)
  7. Murder Books 101: Profiling the Profilers | Tor.com
  8. For the non-serious and just aesthetically pleasing...
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