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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Apparently, Rachel Maddow had an interview with the Governor, and brought up Kevin Stricklands case but the Governor said he didn't have time to review his case (this was a couple of months ago).
  2. Also, interesting callout: The armour of House Atreides, whose crest is the hawk...
  3. Also, apparently his thesis topic:
  4. Edit: Although I suppose the actual funny is that apparently the line in the script was written in English, and no-one really thought about the fact that Hiddleston can speak fluent Latin and classical Greek. He stood up and just did the lines in Latin, and the director thought it was great and rolled with it.
  5. I do keep meaning to dig my Sneakers dvd out for a re-watch.. Let’s Talk About Sneakers, the Most Charming, Baffling Espionage/Heist Movie of the 1990s ‹ CrimeReads
  6. Forget ‘Lord of the Rings,’ Amazon’s Next Big Fantasy Hit Might Be ‘The Wheel of Time’ | Decider
  7. For the semi-random: Dredd 2: Karl Urban Deserves a Second Chance - Fortress of Solitude
  8. Columbiana. Vaguely disappointing. Zoe Saldana is great as the young girl who grew up into a trained killer after her family is killed by a cartel leader. With some good names as supporting cast. Plus the fact that the script did start out as a sequel to Leon (The Professional) and the grown up Matilda is kind of interesting and potentially hopeful. Apparently due to rights issues it ended up being reworked to a stand-alone thing. But yeesh, somehow it ends in a fairly mediocre film with standard plot bumps. Shots of Zoe gracefully bypassing security and the editing technique there is good, but any actual combat is lacklustre and not particularly engaging. But to top it off, the end sequence and method of killing the cartel leader just made her character unsympathetic to me. It went from the slight anti-hero dark edge to just, utterly ****ty behavior - kind of abusive to animals.
  9. They never played it up in the MCU, but comic-wise as I recall, there was something about the Red Room used a watered-down stolen version of the Captain America super-serum on Black Widow as part and parcel of the process of training / conditioning them.
  10. 70's jeans, not skinny jeans.. Although to be fair, even if my jeans are fairly waist fitting, I still put a belt in, I just don't need to cinch it up tightly. It feels wrong to leave the house without a belt on.
  11. I thought that was fairly confirmed with Widow's death and the fact that the Black Widow film was more about introducing her replacement than about her character?
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