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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The Times - Priti Patel shuts down scheme hailed for extremism work
  2. The Times - The man behind Surfers against Sewage took on the (dirty) water brigade
  3. Because it can be quirky seeing these things:
  4. Edit; Double post happens to the best of us... When she wants to be "Princess Vader"...
  5. Costume party Host: What are you? Me: A harp. Host: Your costume's too small to be a harp. Me: Are you calling me a lyre?
  6. So I will definitely agree that Dune has great visuals and soundtrack, and some very good actors sinking into roles. The cut off point in the story is pretty much where I imagined it would be. They've kept the story mostly on track. But, I do think it suffers in some of the things that are barely explained or just have a couple of lines and some off hand references to as basis for things. So I think a potential struggle for getting the full depths of things if people watch it with no knowledge of Dune. Now I wait to see what the 2nd part will turn out like....
  7. And yes, it is "Fall Back" tonight in the UK...
  8. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/senate-republican-faces-sec-probe-over-controversial-stock-trades-n1282702
  9. Independent - Architect resigns in protest over UCSB mega-dorm "Criticizes Munger Hall as 'Social and Psychological Experiment' with Unknown Consequences"
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