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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Survived the Con. Got back home midday and semi-sprawled, went for the cup of tea, then settled back into that pre-interview analysis and presentation building. After a two year break, it was good to see the MCM London ComicCon back in action and all the vibes that went with it.
  2. I wasn't taking sides on it, merely putting it up for the resulting discussion. I thought you'd have realised that's my general MO in the politics thread...
  3. OK Woman Convicted Of Manslaughter After Suffering Miscarriage - Comic Sands
  4. On the tangent from Jefferson... Indy100 - Trump ridiculed after getting basic piece of history about the US constitution wrong So many people so quickly responding with the "uh. Jefferson was in France. He never wrote it."
  5. Halloween is a holiday where: You don't have to prepare food. You don't have to meet up with family. You don't have to attend a festival. Halloween songs can be catchy, but they're never repetitive or played for months on end. It can allow pretty much anyone to partake in it regardless of religion or background. It's completely voluntary with no peer pressure to do anything or attend specific functions or travel anywhere. Halloween lets you be, however you want to express yourself, and it's the one night pretty much no-one will judge you.
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