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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. Breaking down what they ask for in that presentation for the interview, and I'm realising that it would basically be a day or two actual work if it was happening in a professional office / project situation. You're talking a good day of data cleansing and processing from raw data set, to something workable, and then a second day of transforming and figuring out what sort of story it tells and visualising it. At a minimum. Before even starting on putting it into a 10 minute presentation that makes sense. At home. With only open source software. Snark. Grumble.
  2. Took a general pause from things today, and put my focus on something different. The fruits and spices have been soaking in the brandy for the last week or so, so it was time to mix up the rest of the christmas cake and now it's in the oven baking. The only acceptable mention of christmas prior to halloween...
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