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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And for that slice of international not quite politics... https://thehackernews.com/2021/10/chinese-hackers-used-new-rootkit-to-spy.html
  2. BBC - "Girls are very much involved in exploitation in gangs"
  3. BBC - Universal Credit : Devolved leaders call for top up to remain
  4. While this alone might go in the funny thread... The full story is (again) worthy of the funny thread, but has all the historical weirdness that makes me put it here: You Sexy Devil – The Story of the Genie du Maal – Adventures in Gender F***ery (theophanesavery.com)
  5. I guess it depends on the approach to it. Is it a "I have x money, I need more" or is it over the principles of it? I've seen a few articles talking about the potential shift of how contracts work in Hollywood because of Disney's actions here. Apparently a lot of Hollywood contract law between actors and studios have had a history of a certain vagueness and done in the spirit of the contract rather than worrying over every single dotted i and crossed t. If your contract says you'll get a bonus figure depending on x factor, but then the studio deliberately did something that made x factor smaller even though they said they wouldn't... Would you not say anything because you've already got a good amount and accept it or would you call them out on it and make a fuss? Eh, who knows the specific reasons behind it. With the amount of crap Disney regularly pull to keep all the money and not let it trickle down to the other people involved in processes, I'm inclined to give Johansson the benefit of the doubt on motives here.
  6. https://gizmodo.com/foundations-david-s-goyer-on-the-vital-changes-needed-1847682950
  7. Scarlett Johansson, Disney Settle 'Black Widow' Lawsuit - Variety
  8. Apparently the bill is specifically modelled after the Texas anti-abortion bill.. So anyone arguing against the constitutionality of this bill will be helping prove the Texas one is wrong...
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