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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. The trouble I have is that I can finish a 300 page novel in 3 and a bit hours. That's my natural reading speed, not trying to push it or actually read fast. Having a thick series like the Wheel of Time can be broken down into a few weekends worth of solid reading. It's always amazed me when my friends talk about spending the better part of a month to read a book I finish in an evening. I find it really hard to grok that it takes time for a lot of people to read.
  2. For the so 80's music I can't believe it.. and Peter Cushings final appearance on film before his death.
  3. When you've done a hard day Sith'ing and just need a cup of tea...
  4. And just for @Amentep in case he hasn't discovered the visual joys of the tweeter: Seriously, if you guys like the art and designs in sci-fi films, that twitter focuses on it and the concept art that created it. Lots of pretty pictures and some occasional interesting background behind it all.
  5. Teen Hacks School Computer System, Rickrolls Entire School District (futurism.com)
  6. It does seem some people can be a little tone deaf in what they do... Resulting in: Zelda Williams Begs Fans To Stop Sending Her Jamie Costa's Impression - Comic Sands
  7. And for other film news: Michael Caine Reveals Retirement From Acting at Age 88 (comicbook.com)
  8. On a divergent topic... Has Bruce Willis stumbled into a somewhat amusing film again?
  9. We had the Conservative Party Conference a short while back, and there was some American political professor visiting and he got interviewed on his views as a visiting "dignitary" as part of it. He was absolutely amazed by how it all worked. The fact that common citizens could engage elected officials in that manner, that key members of the government were getting lectured by the public and responding was something he said you would almost never see in the US. He made some comment that at the US political rallies you generally expected the senators and congressmen to maybe speak for 10-15 minutes before sitting back down but that you'd never see them speaking and discussing a matter for over 45-50 minutes in an open, public forum. He was all "I hope to god you never lose this element of your democracy." It's all kind of quirky. Edit: Also, on more US specifics (at least gambling wise): Donald Trump favourite to win 2024 presidential election (msn.com)
  10. Robot Murder Dog New Thing to Worry About as You Fall Asleep (gizmodo.com)
  11. Daniel Craig Prefers Going To Gay Bars • Instinct Magazine
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