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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. So many cycles, if they had used the 3 sided glyph of bonding they could have shortened.
  2. Just meander about and try to get the maps, they're essential.
  3. Spiders is established... as a maker of low budget RPGs long on delusions of grandeur and short on production value. I have a soft spot for them and am not ashamed of being a fan of their games. Likewise.
  4. This and GreedFall are the two games i'm looking forward the most this year.
  5. Fable Anniversary is somehow worse than the original, the faces lack any of the expression the original had. It's a quaint game version of a hero's journey where you also can play a villain. Its kinda meant to be played as a sandbox even though it isn't one, where you would just do self imposed challenges, like my aforementioned decapitations.
  6. I'm also humorless and took enough offense to behead all who would dare call me chicken chaser with a bow and arrow. I never changed my title, my headcount stands at 626.
  7. I don't think catering to specific groups would work, specially since the issues that drive them to the Republican side are the same issues that poor white americans have. It should be about the working class not about races.
  8. It was one of my favorite experiences of last year, definitively worth mastering. Please keep in mind that after a while charms and the correct charm combinations become indispensable, if you want to have a relatively easy go at the later bosses. This game rewards exploration as much as skill.
  9. Will I finally be able to finish a playthrough as space Hitler?
  10. I could never get around to finishing the new Torment game. I don't know what it was, but at some point it just lost my attention. I felt like that on my first playthrough but after starting a second one (and the game getting a few more patches) I went through the whole thing. I think there were some interesting later game mechanic, story devices that should have been introduced earlier on. Edit: Combat becomes very easy once you get past a certain level and min max your skills. You just have to build your party members to serve dedicated roles.
  11. I thought they already had limits on how much time you could play online, I don't see how they need an excuse to further legislate video games.
  12. As much as I find these dnd stories hilarious, I could never play in a group that this would happen in. It's my own fault for not broadening my scope of "fun". Nah, you're not to. People whose first instinct is to dig around a blind goblin underpants do not make for polite company
  13. I just always get the sense that they can't be open about racial stuff; same deal as a lot of countries in the anglosphere, so they can't just make it a Muslim-free zone. I think that it fits the whole new diverse Europe, what with their Holiday zones surrounded by festive concrete Lego bricks and checkpoint entrances. It is just the price to pay to live in a diverse society.
  14. I sure hope that is not a complaint, parents will always treat their kids as children. You can't seriously treat someone as an adult once you had to change their nappy, so give them a break. At least they know what you like, so you're blessed.
  15. Can I claim disability on it and just constantly feed my habit?
  16. The addition of physical and magical armor points which you have to whittle down before damaging HP changes the game. Now in order to add status effects enemies need to have no armor; the game seems to favor hybrid classes since there are many benefits and min maxing your build and skills can be quite fun. Enemies are a bigger hassle since in a lot of instances the game decides to give them terrain advantage (although there are ways to get around it if you explore) and levels are like in D&D where just one level makes a massive difference, but that's because enemies have more stats per level, just a two level difference might mean a 1 hit kill. The strategic placing of surfaces from the first game is gone, no longer are you able to play control mage because of the armor system. More so enemies have exclusive skills that allow them to teleport directly to you bypassing any surface. Now I have to damage myself with surfaces whilst having a support mage keep magic armor up. It almost feels like a joke at times; I can tolerate frogs jumping up in the air and appearing next to you but when a giant crocodile has a skill called "scale-portation" I don't know what to make of it.
  17. I am playing on easy, but the specific fight that bought this on is the DJinns on the beach. They are so overpowered that it isn't even close to fair, their stats are way above their level, they have overpowered skills that have minimal cooldowns and you can't deal damage worth ****.
  18. I think Divinity 2 got to me to the point where I'm sure to say **** this series. Having to square off with enemies that get more AP per turn than you, with no restriction on their party limit, and having the advantage of better position is just harrowing. This game combat is so off putting that it feels like a massive waste of time to even try to engage it, and there is no amount of min maxing that will make you have more AP per turn without a massive drawback that enemies don't have. Edit: I just found out that enemies have access to some unique overpowered spells that are exclusive to them. This just begs the question, why the **** is this so hard and who does it appeal to?
  19. This thread has made my heartbeat resume from its long slumber and then thrusted it a bit further into decay. Is like the Grinch story but in reverse.
  20. Business have an incentive to keep good workers in and to attract good workers, they might go through periods where they discharge a lot of people but eventually the consequences are seen by the upper management. As for skilled workers whose particular set of skills are in demand, it gives them more bargaining power since companies are more willing to dish out cash in order to seal the deal. For them throwing a few thousands to go above your asking price is nothing, but it means a lot to the worker.
  21. I like it, except the bit the oil and gas. Glad to hear that the penalty for no insurance is gone; can't really understand why this is a bad thing.
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