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Everything posted by oKareno

  1. My lantern does the same
  2. Gonna refer to the haze as Corona from now on
  3. Why would you want to build where it is almost guaranteed to be destroyed.
  4. My games loaded today. Maybe something in the patch today fixed it
  5. Try again after today’s patch update. My multiplayer maps new and old were saying this. I tried after the update today and they both loaded. Not sure if it was luck or if they fixed it.
  6. This bugged me the most when I opened my armor and weapons chest. Half life and they were not even used. I myself like to stash things or hoard you could say
  7. Totally feel the same with the puzzles and quests rather than the fighting. I am an achievement hunter. I didn’t like creative as there are too many options and no challenge to obtain the items. I also created mint mallets and extra gas masks for the players I am hoping to play with when they finally fix multiplayer. I love the game and the whole idea. It’s like a love hate relationship right now.
  8. I removed the huck option all together.. I no longer have to search for throw weapons.. I for some reason threw something every single time I played. Was literally like finding a needle in a haystack. Suddenly your weapons turn into rubber and bounce half way across the map and not even in the direction you were facing. Good times
  9. Just think how the game will be when it is done though.. Looking at the overall map. They are only done with about half of it.. This backyard is going to be huge.. In a way makes me want to hold off but then I think I will be completely lost or just overwhelmed if I don’t keep up with all the changes. There is so much to the game already.
  10. I too usually play single player. Broodmother came out and I think I got lucky and beat her the second time I went in. Have not had a need to go back to that area. Same with the pond update. Finish in there and have no reason to go back. Tried starting over a few times for the challenge and it is so hard to even get started and 3/4 of the map is unplayable until you get tier weapons and tools. Well 3/4 of the map Is unplayable I guess no matter your skill level.. Bombs are not my favorite as I can never find the ant eggs needed. Think I have made maybe 4 bombs and I am around day 400. I had high hopes for the sandbox and yes that is another place I won’t be venturing much. Bombardier beetles I have noticed are changed a bit as they now spawn on top of a base which used to be in the clear. I mean I get the game in in development and not finished but they are just making in unenjoyable to explore anything.
  11. I’m on Xbox… I am able to play single player game. Try loading or starting new multiplayer world and this error pops up and the game closes.
  12. Same for multiplayer.. New or old game won’t open. Gives me video card memory error or something, tells me it needs to upgrade. Didn’t know there was such an upgrade on Xbox.
  13. Yes there are already ways to label your chests. Allows you to see from a distance actually. They definitely need better icons..
  14. Agree.. remove restrictions. Can’t even build flooring on uneven terrain as it will not let you build it into the ground at all.
  15. I have not played in a while so this may not even be new to this update.. idk.. Everything crafted now deteriorates in chests…. Worthless building different weapons and armor sets for different needs if it is all going to just go bad without even using it.. This is really going to be unpopular with multiplayer… If host plays the world and someone can’t play for a couple of days when they come back their stored stuff will have to be repaired. Inventory slots cut in half and the replenishing rate for food also decreased. Making inventory and hunger issues even worse than what they were before. Crow feathers are still nonexistent no matter where you go on the map, has been this way since the fix from them continuously respawning. The haze is impossible to just run through. Overrun with infected everything, it’s like running through a mine field while blindfolded. Makes the area completely useless. Not liking a lot of changes.
  16. Same.. Even more annoying when your base is above the stump level and you cant remove it unless you destroy your floor and rebuild. Happens every big update..
  17. Appears to be something new they added. Smaller stacks. You have to upgrade stacking size with the milk molars. They made the food less effective so you’re having to carry more and then made it so it takes up more space. As if inventory already wasn’t already a problem. All they are doing is making the game more frustrating.
  18. This would be cool. But depending on the time frame as to when they look really dull or aged. Maybe a repair tool could bring them back to fresh looking in case the old look gets old lol. Like a remodel without having to actually rebuild.
  19. I have had almost 10 jerky racks on the rocks near the pond. No protection. Food often left for many days and I still come back to full racks. Sometimes only taking what I need and leaving the rest. I have seen ants take the meat off the fire spits before. But never witnessed off the jerky racks. I will have to load my racks up and see if meat starts to disappear. Maybe it is something new they added.
  20. Hopefully you have figured it out by now. If not, on xbox you should be able to scroll down the backup saves and when you are on a save file it should tell you on the bottom which button to hit. Mine is X… assuming it would be the same for all. Not sure how PC is setup.
  21. I didn’t realize you had to put the pets into a house. I found it kinda annoying my aphid was following me. I turn around to pick up a rock and the needy bugger would get in the way and want to be pet. Couldn’t do anything without petting him first
  22. I have a ring platform which goes around the oak tree as well. Main base/storage is between the top two lasers where it towers up and zip lines to about 10 different locations around the map. All those locations zipline back to the main base. Smaller bases scattered, more or less something I made to store items when not wanting to run home. I hoard everything. Combat is mainly done with bow and arrow.. they get too close they get knocked with the Mother Demon Club.
  23. Not sure what LFG means. But there is a discord group for grounded
  24. Well that escalated quickly IMO…. The first two comments were all that needed to be said. Both stating your opinion which is what this forum is for… ideas and different views on ideas. Somehow you turned into snickers picking your idea apart and saying you were pretty wrong? Idk too much knowledge for me to understand apparently. Both of your input I’m sure is very helpful. Arguing about whose idea wins over the other… not so helpful. Too many critics of this game all wanting the game to be easier…shortcuts for everything. Hot keys for everything. Wanting everything layed out in front of them so they don’t have to kill or hunt for it. I myself like the challenge and the rush to switch armor or mutations when needed. But I’m pretty boring.. I wear one set of armor changing headwear as needed. My mutations rarely change unless I’m cutting grass or digging rocks. I have no troubles. I’ll show myself to the door
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