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Karranthain last won the day on April 14 2013

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About Karranthain

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    Huscarl of the Obsidian Order
    (9) Sorcerer

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  1. Well, here's 10 hours of it, enjoy!
  2. Eric, should we send the tickets through the backer portal support option (it's fairly specific: Please note: This service is only intended for customer support issues relating to your pledges, purchases, and fulfillment)? Hope we can help you get to the bottom of this as Durance's one of the most interesting companions.
  3. If this is a bug I'd like to get it fixed ASAP. We haven't seen anything like it internally. I'll explain what should be happening. If it isn't happening for you, let me know what you are seeing, and also, if you could, it'd be very helpful for you to file a support ticket and submit a savegame to our QA team if you've got one. Thanks. And bear with me here... the dialogue is kind of a rat's nest, structurally. The way it should play out is, you talk to Durance and he says one of four things (they cycle): [spoilers] "Thought I felt your eyes on me. Now come the words." "And what must you say now?" "Does something ail you?" "Your face is full of need." Durance snorts. "It looks to burst if you didn't speak." Then you should say: "I had questions I wanted to ask you." He responds: "If doubts and curiosity plague you, you're skinning your knuckles on the wrong door." You should have the option: "I had another vision of you. One of the symbols on your staff - it was dying." One of two things can happen after that. If you've already been asking him questions, he'll shush you and you'll need to rest to approach him again about it (using the same dialogue choices). If you haven't asked him anything yet since the last rest (more likely since you just rested), you should get a response that starts: "Durance looks at you, challenging. 'You see many things that aren't there, Watcher.'" At this point you should have one of two options: 1. "It was the Godhammer symbol. I saw twelve circles. Eleven faded away." 2. "I saw a symbol with twelve circles. What does it represent?" If you see option 1 and choose it, you should get a quest update right there and we're good. If you see option 2, it means you haven't asked Durance about the Godhammer symbol on his staff before (so your character doesn't recognize it on sight). When you choose it, you should see: "Durance frowns, and the words come slowly. 'That symbol. The Godhammer.'" You should see the option: "Then it was the Godhammer symbol I saw extinguished on your staff." If you pick that, it should update the quest. There are some other options there, and if you accidentally take them you'll go to other places in his dialogue, but you should be able to get back to either of the above journal updating paths by choosing "I had questions" when it's available (i.e. same place in his dialogue that comes up when you first talk to him). Anybody experiencing this issue, please give that a try and let me know if and where you go wrong, and if you do, let me know what you're seeing instead. Thanks! Hey Eric, thanks for answering. Here's how it looks for me: The way it should play out is, you talk to Durance and he says one of four things (they cycle): [spoilers] "Thought I felt your eyes on me. Now come the words." "And what must you say now?" "Does something ail you?" "Your face is full of need." Durance snorts. "It looks to burst if you didn't speak." Then you should say: "I had questions I wanted to ask you." He responds: "If doubts and curiosity plague you, you're skinning your knuckles on the wrong door." After that I'm getting only these responses: 1. Why were we supposed to meet? 2. I wanted to ask you about the region and its history. 3. Tell me about Magran. 4. I wanted to know more about you. 5. So you constructed the Godhammer? 6. Let's keep moving. I'll send the ticket and a savegame.
  4. After resting, I've received a vision and the quest prompts me to discuss it with Durance - but the option isn't available in the dialogue tree. Is there any way to fix this, other than loading?
  5. Any news about the day 1 patch?
  6. Let's hope it stays that way at least for a couple of weeks.
  7. I've added background from Aloth's portrait to this image in an effort to make it a bit more in PE's style: Could any Photoshop wizards try to remove the hand and the staff as well as those white specks from it, please? I've tried for a while, but the results were far from satisfactory. Would be much appreciated.
  8. 6 GB. Thanks, shouldn't take long then.
  9. How big is the game download anyway? I've redeemed the key on GOG.
  10. It'll change looting since each difficulty level adds more enemies to the encounters.
  11. The game's out in two days and I'm still torn on this issue. Admittedly, I've played IE games heavily, which points to a Hard difficulty, but I'm tempted to see how the encounters differ on Normal and plunge into harder difficulties in later playthroughs.
  12. I reckon you'll probably do fine with such low Constitution, but equally low Might would definitely severely reduce your character's effectiveness. That said, since it's a party based game, I believe you could pull through. Might not be pretty, but if it fits your roleplaying concept, have at them!
  13. Yeah, I know. That's why I picked Arms Bearer in conjunction with Quick Switch - to fire one shot, switch to a second pistol, fire another one and finally switch to a Greatsword and go to town. Ah, fair enough. In my defence you did say "greatsword and dual pistols" and I know people have wanted to do that before. I would definitely try to fit Intense Flames in there somehow, to synergize with Remember Rakhan Fields, but I cannot for the life of me think of what Talent you should drop for it. If you really want two pistols and fire both before engaging with your Two-Handed Sword, I would definitely not drop Quick Switch, especially if you intend to use heavy armour. I would also question the choice of Resolve for a non-tank, since you won't really be benefiting from it that much at all. That being said, I assume it is important for your core concept, so it's understandable. Yeah, I wish we were able to do that. I suppose I could drop Bloody Slaughter, though not sure whether it's worth it. Intense Flames would seriously improve the alpha-strike capability, but Bloody Slaughter is likely to be a larger benefit in drawn-out fights. About Quick Switch - I did some light testing in the beta build, but with a bow and a pistol, so not sure whether that's reliable. Didn't seem so bad without it. Regarding Resolve - it's mainly for roleplaying purposes (as it's supposedly checked when you try to intimidate someone, which goes perfectly with the Bleak Walker modus operandi), but I'd also like to be able to tank in a pinch. By the way, what do you think about dropping Perception and Dexterity in this build, did I go overboard? Originally I thought that 18 Intelligence would be tempting in this build, but I was afraid I'd handicap this character too severely to achieve that.
  14. Yeah, I know. That's why I picked Arms Bearer in conjunction with Quick Switch - to fire one shot, switch to a second pistol, fire another one and finally switch to a Greatsword and go to town. Shame about the Flames of Devotion - hopefully it'll remain viable.
  15. Revised Bleak Walker Pistoleer build: Bleak Walker Pistoleer Human, Aedyr, Paladin Armed with a greatsword and dual pistols. The basic idea is to have a frontline character who can support the group but also deal respectable damage. Unload both pistols at the start of combat and then switch to a Greatsword. Reload after combat. Might - 18 Constitution - 10 Dexterity- 8 Perception - 8 Intellect - 16 Resolve - 18 Talents: Weapon Focus Soldier Two-Handed Style Bloody Slaughter Remember Rakhan Field And for the pistols: Quick Switch Arms Bearer Pistols are a personal preference, the build would obviously work better with an arquebus. I'm still torn over Quick Switch. I think I'll pick Intense Flames instead, which combined with Remember Rakhan Field will boost the Flames of Devotion nicely. What do you think?
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