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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. A magazine called Atomic has given Skyrim 95%, you can find scans if you search around, the game is mostly praised apart from a few AI issues.

    Oblivion got high marks across the board when it came out. I think it's metacritic rating is even higher than Fallout 3 or Fallout:NV.


    And to my eternal shame I went on to enjoy it for hundreds of hours :rolleyes:

  2. In terms of bugs/glitches, as long as it doesn't crash every 10 minutes, the pc loading times (saves, area, anything) don't take forever & I don't encounter any game-breaking quest bugs, I'll be content enough. I'm a lot more worried about whether I'll like gameplay.


    I don't think loading times will be an issue, definitely sharing your concern about crashes though, we all know the core of this engine has been rotting for years, fingers crossed they patched it up.

  3. It's a matter of days now, got to admit I'm getting more anxious about it but mostly on the technical side of things, I've been burned by quite a few pre-ordered games this last year or two.


    I noticed a thread about rain still passing through roofs and buildings, which I find strange as modders have had that one fixed for a long time in Morrowind :thumbsup:

  4. I suppose this thread is also relevant again because of Origin, which I really can't see competing with Steam's special offers and vast catalog, plus there are terms in the contract which allow EA to scan your hard drive's contents and share it with third parties... :bat:


    It's a shame because Origin as a program is very neat and tidy

  5. Caved in and bought Battlefield 3 - I'm not impressed. No one is cooperating and people are playing like it's CoD on the Xbox. I'm usually in the top 5, simply because I actually revive, heal, resupply and assists my team mates. I was actually kicked from a server because they thought I cheated as I had the highest score and only 2 kills (nr 2 had 50 or so).. I'm beginning to be a grumpy gamer.


    I'd put that down to bad luck maybe, so far I've had a surprising amount of support from random team mates, the experience is enhanced if you can get a few friends in there though, it's probably the most fun I've had in an online game.

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