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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. Also, do dungeons respawn? Because the necromancer hideout I raided seems like a pretty nice place to crash. Plus there's an enchanting & alchemy table.


    I remember some info from a while back saying that the dungeons do respawn, dunno if they actually do though.

  2. I set timescale to 10. I'm finding time flows too fast in Skyrim, I didn't even get to do anything in Riverwood yet because it's the middle of the night each time I try to return to it. I don't remember it being this bad in Oblivion.


    Yeah I turned mine to 15, far better now.



    I must say that I'm not a fan of being offered the fed-ex/kill this dude quests at every turn. I suppose this is where the Radiant story stuff will provide some randomization if I understand things right but it still really feels like filler. I suppose it's my own fault for expecting but my journal is now chock-full of "fetch me 10 of these/kill that person/retrieve this item" quests.


    I've had a few of those now and I don't mind them, it's a more creative way of doing what Dragon Age did with the Chantry board, I'm going to be going out grinding anyway, might as well have a little quest based incentive too.

  3. I got heavily diverted from my first Companions quest, I decided to go climb a mountain and ended up walking straight into

    Labyrinthine, my jaw dropped as I knew people had been crying out for that dungeon to return

    , I got about five seconds to appreciate the epicness before a Snow Troll absolutely ****ing murdered me :p


    I also saw some god awful, cringeworthy LOD on the way to Solitude but my arrival was epic, Aurora Borealis, fog, moons, mist and the city on the hill :)

  4. I also turned off all quest markers, but I'm not sure whether the game will be playable this way.


    That's how I've been playing and it seems to be working so far, you can still see quest markers on the local map so if you get dramatically stuck you can check that, or use the clairvoyance spell but I've avoided it so far.

  5. I started a new character - Nord - and played some more, deliberately avoiding Riverwood. Hint: it's a lot more fun if you go LEFT after you leave the tutorial cave. I got distracted and started getting into random mishaps, and was level 5 before stumbling back into Riverwood. :sorcerer:


    Levelling is definitely too fast and it feels like you're not even trying, so I really want to slow down skill gain by 15% or so as soon as possible. But yeah, having a blast. I enjoy magic and archery and sneaking, unfortunately melee seems pretty stupid - all they needed to do was copy Gothic/Risen a bit. you just swing swing swing, block seems to do little at least with low skill and there's really no variation. You definitely feel it when your enemies have a 2h weapon though.


    Monty: With Skyrim really the only decision you're making actively is whether to up Magicka/Health/Stamina and what perks to get. There are some obviously synergistic skills - sneak/archery, two handed/heavy armour, etc. As for magic I tend to go towards illusion (invisibility, make people berserk, etc) and conjuration (reanimate zombies, later some cool creatures if Skyrim continues the tradition) but destruction/restoration are obviously useful and mystical (?) is OK.


    Turning left is precisely what I did, there's a cottage over that way with some interesting stuff to do, it was a blast finding it minutes after hobbling into the daylight :)


    Levelling is way too fast but I'd assume/hope it dramatically slows down, I imagine they want you to quickly shape your character at the start of the game so you don't end up investing 20 hours on a build you're not sure about.

  6. Those who went to High Hrothgar, anyone else encounter a Frost Troll?


    Took me about 10 minutes and 20 potions to take him down.


    I'm looking forward to visiting it soon, I was a bit surprised to see how close it is to the starting area but your experience with the Troll gives me hope that it might be at least a little bit of an epic.


    Just started playing, however, for one, the sound is hard to hear, have to turn it up pretty load, but the big issue is sometimes the dialogue will go fuzzy for a quick second, skipping the voice over, but then go back to normal. Does anyone have same issue, or know what may be my problem?


    Sounds like the bug people are talking about on the Bethsoft forums, apparently if you're using Windows 7 the fix for this is to select 24bit 44khz output in the Advanced section of the soundcard properties.

  7. Still, I'm quite enjoying myself. The world is a *huge* improvement over Oblivion, so much more fun to explore. The voiceacting is OK, the writing for NPCs is better than Oblivion but still kinda bad in many places. But you can tell that they focused on the lore of the place this time around which makes one care a bit more about everything.


    Also, fun times when a giant one-shotted me so hard I flew up through the stratosphere. :)


    The Dark Elf voices annoy me but only because it seems the old gravel voiced Dunmer from the previews turned out to be a placeholder, Dunmer are all from the East End of London now apparently :fdevil:


    All the children having American accents is also slightly distracting.


    I've seen that giant glitch on youtube :o

  8. It's good. Why didn't they make weapon sets though. I need 4 keys just to swap between sword and shield and dual spells. I imagine it's going to get to be quite a hassle once I build up a repertoire of spells.


    Yeah the interface on PC is quite sinful, I really hope it's moddable and not something tied to the executable.




    Just noticed that kinda rhymes...I've information vegetable, animal and mineral? :fdevil:


    I did a bit of digging and it turns out the interface is flash based, that's a good sign.

  9. I don't like how the Thalmor are immediately shoved in your face in the tutorial. On the other hand, it was nice how an Imperial stooge asked my High Elf whether she wasn't a part of their embassy. They still wanted to chop off her head, though. Jerks.


    Yeah I've noticed a hell of alot of people reacting to my race, what I'm wearing and what weapon I'm using, the first time I went to the tavern in Riverwood the local alcoholic said "Either I'm drunk or you're naked!..probably both", turns out I'd sold the armour off my back in the trading post :fdevil:


    I didn't mind seeing the Thalmor immediately, they most likely wanted to ensure that Ulfric's head rolls, plus not many people follow the lore so Bethesda probably just wanted to introduce them quickly.


    On the whole I had a blast last night, there's issues to be sure but most of them are technical rather than plot/gameplay, I mostly spent my time cheering whenever I found a bookcase full of new lore :o


    I've regained my faith in Bethesda's ability to produce an Elder Scrolls game.

  10. I unlocked early through a VPN and have been playing a few hours, I'm mostly impressed and glad to be back in Tamriel but yeah there's issues, pretty bad slowdowns on my GTX 580 and that interface plain sucks, patches, drivers, tweaks and mods will be the solution as usual.


    As soon as I got out of the starter dungeon I saw the obvious path ahead and swiftly went off road, found myself besieged by bandits after stealing their stuff and eventually dived into a cottage

    with a cool hidden dungeon that took me an hour

    , I'm now finally dragging my overencumbered arse to Riverwood and I have to say I've enjoyed every moment of it.


    These slowdowns need fixing though, Ultra is way out of bounds for now.

  11. I could be back home and playing it within the hour but I made a stupid promise to help my friend clean his house for a landlord inspection, then I have to go see another friend and then I've got to get up early tomorrow, Skyrim is already interfering with my real world plans...

  12. What we need is a user rating as widespread as IMDB. They get it wrong on occasion, but I have never seen a good movie with a user rating of 4 or less. All this pre-launch Mumbo jumbo that is the life-bread of game sites. I don't trust it at all.


    The problem with that system is that no users get to play the game until after it's released, plus the fact that gamers tend to get *massively* unbalanced about personal dislikes during the first few weeks of a game's launch


    I do agree about IMDB though, the user score has rarely steered me wrong.




    I should add that gamers also get insanely unhinged over things they really like.

    I agree, I can't really explain how "Dragon shouts" can completely turn me off a game, but they still did. :lol:


    Yeah, I'm pretty much the opposite, I'd been curious about Thu'um for years, when I found out the game was set in Skyrim I giggled (probably not) like a schoolgirl :lol:

  13. What we need is a user rating as widespread as IMDB. They get it wrong on occasion, but I have never seen a good movie with a user rating of 4 or less. All this pre-launch Mumbo jumbo that is the life-bread of game sites. I don't trust it at all.


    The problem with that system is that no users get to play the game until after it's released, plus the fact that gamers tend to get *massively* unbalanced about personal dislikes during the first few weeks of a game's launch


    I do agree about IMDB though, the user score has rarely steered me wrong.




    I should add that gamers also get insanely unhinged over things they really like.

  14. Soooo I just cancelled my pre-order and bought it on Steam, I'm pre-loading now and hopefully unlocking tomorrow when I get home, I don't mind losing the map as they'll end up on eBay eventually.


    I'm genuinely quite excited but also concerned for my social life, mostly I'll just be glad to get into the game and de-hype myself :sorcerer:




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