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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. There was plenty of lazy/uninspired writing and quest design in Morrowind but it's easier to ignore in text form, I was even a bit let down when I finally met Vivec, after all the bat**** crazy stuff you read about him I expected more, maybe he was humbled in the presence of his potential executioner but I think he was just blandly written.


    The real hook Morrowind had for me was digging through the past and finding out why things ended up in such a mess, I'm not sure that Skyrim has the same aspect but I've only read a handful of the new books, it's surpassed my expectations though.

  2. Either Beth or Steam (no one's quite sure yet it seems) released a tiny patch that updates the .exe file so it can no longer be run by clicking directly on the .exe (thus bypassing Steam). Ppl were doing that to bypass launcher crashes and tweak-y stuff like make the game use more RAM or something.


    Anyway, since then some say they have unplayable CTD's and launcher breakage etc....don't know if that's the majority or a minority, but...yeah, if you're having problems, could be related to that. If you can get to it, try a verify game cache routine?


    Yeah I noticed this, it's a bit of a hassle as the Large Address Aware switch has definitely fixed a few crash/texture loading issues I had, I kept a backup of the old exe so it's fine for now...

  3. I quite like the killable companions, NPC buffs and heals finally have a purpose in an Elder Scrolls game ;)


    It can be a hassle though, I've definitely hacked Lydia to the ground a few times now.




    Just found a new mod that lets you edit the compass, I'd been using a simple mod to remove all compass markers but this one lets me just remove undiscovered ones, joy :p

  4. Finally found a two handed weapon that feels right, I got an ebony longsword while completing the Potema quest (very good fun) so I buffed it up at a forge, finally learnt some enchantments and gave it some fire damage, I named her The Black Mamba ;)


    I'd been using a hammer that I thought was pretty cool as it transferred the enemy's stamina to me but it took way too many soul gems to power, Black Mamba cuts down most low level enemies in one strike and takes ages to run out of soul juice.

  5. I think they made a mistake with the fast travel. You should only be able to fast travel to the major cities once you had discovered them, and beyond safehavens nowhere else.


    I'm waiting on a Morrowind fast travel mod, it'd be nice for someone to expand the coaches to smaller towns and add a few NPC captains to the unused boats, I could totally play this game without fast travel.

  6. Still, money well spent and Bethesda stepped up their game from Oblivion which was great to see.


    I agree.. So far their main weakness is story, but they are getting much better at it (I feel like maybe they've learned a little from Obsidian :)).


    Yeah I feel the same way, I often get a New Vegas vibe, mostly in how logically the world is laid out and the way the factions push against each other, Bethesda really tried hard this time.




    Awesome Shield :)

  7. Dragons ate my PC. :shifty:

    I was playing today and it died. All signs point to the motherboard. I'll have things up and running again on my previous board and CPU when I find or buy some thermal compound. Until then, no more dragon hunting for me.


    So it's not just my brain suffering Skyrim burnout then :(

  8. No levitation I'm afraid :(


    I played about five hours tonight, did a few dungeons, screwed over the brewery and the Thalmor embassy was cool, I'm still somewhat in awe of the dungeons, I love all the little notes and NPC banter.


    I'm going to attempt a break from it soon, my savefile has two and a half days logged, the game has barely been out a week. :shifty:

  9. The Skyrim quests make me feel dirty.


    I'm not far into it yet but I quite like the dirty aspect, they're not quite the Thieves Guild of old, they've had to make some concessions in order to survive but I suppose the questline involves getting them back on top.


    for some reason, enemy mages are the most dangerous thing i've been encountering, it just takes two or three spells to wipe out my character (with his heavy armor and 300 health...) i can take two hits from a giant, but only 3 spells from a high level mage...

    Give them a cup of FUS-RO-DAH.


    Yeah, mages were raping me with fire until I remembered I had all these dragon powers, they can still be tricky but knocking them down and hacking them to pieces on the ground seems to be working well.

  10. as usual, the most hyped part of a game is the stupidest.


    I kind of agree, I've had some epic fights but most dragons go down too easily once they're on the ground, I've also had incidences of them flying upside down and through mountains :(


    Two dragons is definitely too much for me though, unless I wanted to use every potion/scroll I had, which was a lot.

  11. The civil war seems to be given at least as much time as the dragons, if not more, all the factional stuff weaves together really nicely so far.


    Seems I was wrong about the Khajiit being fences though, unless there's some specific condition I'm missing, could have sworn it worked yesterday :(


    On the subject of dragon difficulty I was attacked by two of them in Morthal, it was complete murder and I had to run away, level 25.

  12. Turns out I was wrong about water walking, phew :)


    I did a good dungeon tonight, it was a haunted barrow that the townspeople were afraid of, it didn't seem to have an associated quest but I dived in and solved the mystery,

    a Dunmer trickster

    , eventually though I hit one of those dragon claw puzzles and with no claw I resigned myself to the chance of finding it later, or maybe not.


    So I return to the town just on the offhand chance that I can mention at least something about the haunting

    and to my surprise the inn keeper hands me the claw as a reward



    Of course a moment later his sister comes in and he launches into a rant about how he's told her not to go near that barrow because of the eeeevil within...damn it Bethesda :skeptical:


    I like the dwarven ruins. Since I don't know the Elder Scrolls lore, what happened to the dwarven race?


    That's a very good question and it's the main reason I played Morrowind :)

  13. I finally started the MQ proper, went to High Hrothgar which was cool but the epic view is somewhat spoiled by the engine limitations, I loved the introduction of the Blades though,

    especially how they rickroll you with a note after trawling through that dungeon.




    Alduin resurrecting the dragon near Kynesgrove

    was also very cool, I'd seen those mounds dotted around and it was fun to have my suspicions confirmed.


    I only just found out you can sell stolen goods to the Khajiit traders, which makes complete sense but for some reason I never thought about it.


    So far I'm thinking this is a better game than Morrowind, the lore and story are almost as good but I doubt I'll be pondering over hidden meanings for very long after, the Nords are far more blunt than the Dunmer, which is appropriate.


    One thing I do miss is water walking, seems like a strange thing to remove, they also cut underwater combat now that I think about it...

  14. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what's inside in Skyrim, whereas in Oblivion I thought it was damn boring each time I had to go inside one.


    Ditto, I actually got a lot of fun out of Oblivion but there were about 100 dungeons I never saw, because who gives a **** about empty, samey dungeons?

  15. Something cool I noticed today, after joining up with the Stormcloaks I wandered through a Legion camp I had previously visited, expecting the usual derpery I assumed they would still be friendly, I was very wrong and they ran me down like a dog :lol:


    As for the release hype wearing off I dare say the rot will set in as the game starts to crash and bug out, when I'm forced into get down to the bones of the system and fix issues the magic *always* goes away.




    Yeah the UI is an insult.

  16. There are at least some good to great unique weapons and armour that can be found early, if you have the guts to crawl through a challenging dungeon.


    I had to leave a spriggan infested dungeon early in the game, when I returned I found a unique katana. Later I picked up the Red Eagle's sword after following an unmarked quest.


    Nice, I'm glad that unique items are being placed in the world again, Fallout 3 did that very well, I haven't found a single one yet but I've only done about ten dungeons and most of them were quest related.


    This game is too big.

  17. How is everyone finding the economy and weapon balance?


    So far it seems like a huge step up from the traditional Elderscrolls cluster****, I'm not exactly wealthy at level 20 and I'm still using the Elven Axe I had at level 10 but the damage has scaled up nicely with my skills and buffs.


    By this time in Oblivion or Morrowind I'd have been looking for new gear and installing mods that stop me becoming a billionaire, I much prefer this system.


    Also last night I walked from Dawnstar to Winterhold, the frozen landscapes in the far north are just gorgeous.



    I don't think you no longer get perks after level 50, what's the point of leveling otherwise. You just reportedly get levels way slower.


    You might be right, I'm going off pre-release info from a long time ago with that one.

  18. Giants are much stronger than dragons. My frost atronach can easily tank a non-fire breathing dragon, but gets one-hit killed by a giant's power attack.


    Yeah I noticed that, I assumed it was just because I was low level but I reached 20 and it's still happening :)

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