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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I'm still slowly going through Planescap with the wife. We're at the Brothel. "That was your first wish."


    I'm saving my replay of PST for the future, I want to do my next run with high wisdom and intelligence so I can dig into TNO's past, which reminds me about Ignus, I recommend asking questions for a new angle on his personality :p

  2. Just uninstalled Fallout 3 after a quick sweep of places I'd not been, it's hard to believe I've played it so much over the last three years and still not seen it all, Bethesda games are excellent value for money.


    Anyway, I just got Fallout 2 installed, I never did see everything it had to offer so I'm fully patched up and ready to go, this should keep me busy till Skyrim :p

  3. I just finished Mothership Zeta, by god, in the last scene the ten year old girl is telling us what bridge consoles we need to use to defeat the other mothership...apparently this DLC was headed up by the guy who did the MQ, the derp is strong with this one ;)


    It's all over now though, another few levels till I hit the cap and a few more places to go and then no more Fallout 3 forever.

  4. I officially finished everything in Point Lookout and then got stuck into Mothership Zeta, I forgot how completely herp derp, bat**** crazy the plot is, being led around a spaceship by a ten year old girl who can rewire alien technology, at least I do enjoy it as a mindless slaughter, the logs are fun too.


    At some point before MZ I took the perk which reveals all the unvisited locations, was quite disheartened to see a few places I don't think I've ever been, if I really want to consider Fallout 3 put to rest I'm gonna have to check them out :lol:


    Surely that's the gaming equivalent of finding a bunch of olives and a slice of salami at the bottom of the deli bag?


    Ahh I'm just keen to put Fallout 3 away for good, my savegame file has well over 100 hours on it but obsession demands I finish the damn thing :)

  5. Squealing that could have been avoided by putting him on trial.


    I'm just watching BBC news and maniacal looking politicians from all over the world are out grandstanding, I just can't get behind it.

    I love these end of the world cults, cognitive dissonance kicks in when it fails to happen, like the fifty billion times Jesus was supposed to return and then, nada, ohhh well he obviously returned silently and is working among us in secrecy, until the time is right for him to reveal his glory *fnarr* :thumbsup:

  6. The only time I've ever disliked level scaling was in Oblivion, it's still quite visible in Fallout 3 but it doesn't bother me, I actually get a buzz when I hit a new tier of enemies, and it's not like there aren't hand placed encounters too.


    After all the info and videos I'm pretty sure I'll really like Skyrim, my biggest worry now is a ****ty PC port or the typical Bethesda CTD's, I reckon there's still a fair chunk of legacy code in there...

  7. I'll be happy with a game that meets Origins and DA2 somewhere in the middle, bring back the strategy view and spend more time on the characters, I just hope they take their time with it, I can wait a couple of years for another proper Dragon Age game.

  8. I officially finished everything in Point Lookout and then got stuck into Mothership Zeta, I forgot how completely herp derp, bat**** crazy the plot is, being led around a spaceship by a ten year old girl who can rewire alien technology, at least I do enjoy it as a mindless slaughter, the logs are fun too.


    At some point before MZ I took the perk which reveals all the unvisited locations, was quite disheartened to see a few places I don't think I've ever been, if I really want to consider Fallout 3 put to rest I'm gonna have to check them out :thumbsup:

  9. Squealing that could have been avoided by putting him on trial.


    I'm just watching BBC news and maniacal looking politicians from all over the world are out grandstanding, I just can't get behind it.

  10. I don't see a federal Europe ever working without some pretty drastic changes in society, culture and economics across the continent, I don't trust unelected officials to foster these changes wisely, much of what they do appears to be coercive, tricky and sometimes downright dictatorial.




    Though I just realised that you could apply the "coercive, tricky and dictatorial" part to most of our elected democracies :ermm:

  11. Yeah I wouldn't been keen on a rapid collapse of the EU but I do think that when a problem is allowed to grow to an extreme size eventually you have to face it and endure the suffering before you can heal.


    I'm hoping for the best and planning for the worst.

  12. I'm all for getting rid of dictators but the media's lust for blood and eagerness to show what amounts to snuff is a bit disturbing, I'm of the opinion that everyone deserves a trial before execution, call me crazy but a manic bloodletting in the streets doesn't fill me with pride.




    A point to consider would be that Gaddafi deprived many Libyans of a fair trial, I'd counter that with the fact that we're supposed to be better than him, as are the people who will eventually replace him...

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