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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. Some pictures from TGS 2011 here (site is Japanese).


    Looks like they're using Fallout's lockpicking mini-game for Skyrim. Better that than Oblivion's mini-game.




    Looks like a child in the background, I'm glad they're going with the Fallout 3 lockpicking system, though having the barrel rotate on an old fashioned lock seems a bit weird.




    I love it when Chrome tries to translate Japanese.


    "and from previous work as an RPG is powered up and all respects, just like another game like 5 years of evolution while clenching Enjoy crisp"


    While clenching, enjoy crisp! :lol:



    I always found paralysis to be the biggest danger in the game, and the most annoying.


    I remember a particular skeleton in the ashlander burial caverns in Morrowind, that cheap bastard had me stumped for ten minutes with enchanted arrows, loved it, I hope they keep paralysis in.

  2. where's all the talk about Dead Island? :) is it good or bad? I heard some people say it's a "classical RPG", true/false?


    Not classical, more on the Borderlands/WoW side of the fence, everything respawns within minutes and the game is kinda geared towards multiplayer but it masquerades as a single player game pretty well, as long as you don't expect a persistent world or deep story telling it's quite a lot of fun.

  3. I think people in general have low standards when it comes to writing, as for MCA's writing I loved PST, it honestly moved me, but Chris himself has said that the actual plot isn't anything special outside of the context of video games, I'd have to agree, it doesn't take anything away from the experience to admit that.

  4. I'm not keen on the trend either but I can see the appeal for developers, easy money from the die hard crowd...though thinking about it, they're the ones who should probably be rewarded for their dedication, crazy world :o


    I thought the New Vegas box set was very classy, shame they haven't gone that route, or at least offered some kind of middle ground.

  5. I have found a very strange anime.... it's way to overtly sexual... there's like a boob shot in every single episode, panty shots every seven minutes, and they have an episode where a girl works a sea cucumber like a guys... nethers, and a second girl gets covered in ... stuff.


    If you told me it also included ultra violent bloodlettings and tentacle rape I might be interested :)

  6. Gay marriage in a Norse-themed setting? I cannot be surprised. TES has lost strong concept existed in Morrowind, which reminded me of settings such as Glorantha, to some extent.

    I'd link to one of those Kronar comics on Oglaf, if it wouldn't get me banned.



  7. I'll quickly post this without reading anything so as to preserve my innocence, loving it so far,

    I got to China the other night, not quite as much to do as Detroit it seems but holy **** the atmosphere is good

    , it's freaky how much this feels like an old game with a graphical makeover, I get a pretty big Bloodlines vibe running around the hubs.

  8. I loved Oblivion.

    I loved Fallout 3.

    I adore Morrowind.


    That's the order I played them, Oblivion I put down to being my first time, a shame to get your cherry taken by such a rough edged brute but it lead me to better things, I really don't think I could play it again though, my final run of Fallout 3 is suffering too, I think it's over familiarity.


    Morrowind on the other hand I've only played once and it utterly drew me in, as a game I think it kinda sucks, an imbalanced jumble of half baked systems...which is half the appeal, leaping to Solstheim and back, jumping again and landing in the middle of the Ghostfence to get slaughtered by Daedra and corprus infected, Skyrim isn't going to top that, it probably won't keep me up at night pondering the nature of godhood and immortality either.


    I'm sure I'll love it though


    Seems I'm their little bitch :)

  9. Judging by various monitoring tools the game isn't really stressing any of my components, I reckon it'll need a driver update from Nvidia, seems all these DX11 games need immediate driver updates if you want to use the fancy features :(

  10. my main problem is really bad loading stutter.


    The new patch should've taken care of that?


    It cut down loading screen time but the in game streamed loading still causes pretty bad hiccups, though apparently not everyone is being affected.

  11. I finally managed to play the game last night and I'm really impressed, so far it seems like a real Deus Ex game, more to the point it feels like a game that could have been made in the early 00's but with the aid of modern graphics cards.


    One thing I could want is more Illuminati stuff but the Alex Jones style radio broadcasts really make me grin, my main problem is really bad loading stutter, especially in the hubs, it's just about distracting enough to break the illusion.

  12. I don't see why a dialogue expansion would be a rotten thing, per se. Anyone shrieking 'this should have been in the game to start with' might just as wlel have said that bout the guns. And they'd be just as retarded.


    I've often thought the same thing, I'd gladly pay for a DLC which adds more dialogues, I'd be even happier to pay for a "Lore Pack" of some kind, one that adds more inconsequential stuff like clutter, notes and computer terminals to the world, I can't ever get enough of that stuff.

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