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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. As far as I know Viewsonic have a few of the cheapest IPS panel screens around right now, they're getting good reviews.


    Try to avoid TN panels if you're doing any professional work, IPS, MVA or PVA are the way to go :)




    Just a little extra thing I gleaned from my time with the dual GPU card, you can technically disable the onboard xfire and use one gpu but the weird issues remain, apparently with two separate cards you can overcome this.

  2. Seems MK's writing won't be directly included in Skyrim, bit of a bummer that :)


    But, for the record, none of my recent work will make its way into Skyrim. That's not going to stop me from writing more, though. Whether it's considered canon or not: I could give a flying [censored].




    On the bright side, the conversation makes it clear that his writing is being used for inspiration.

  3. I experienced Crossfire with a Radeon 5970, really bad/glitchy performance in most games but it was great with software that supported it, if you're not into playing Crysis and running benchmarks all the time then I say go with a single ballsy GPU.

  4. I can't help but chuckle at that.


    'Adam Jensen' is a quintesentially Danish sounding name, but it just has none of the swagger and cool factor it gets when you say it with a heavy English or American accent. To a Dane, it's sensible shoes, two kids and a Volvo.



  5. people want to believe that terrorist organizations is responsible. as wackt as it sounds, blame terrorists is actually reassuring compared to the lone gunman scenario. governments can track and defend against terrorist groups, and terrorist groups has patterns o' behavior and agendas that makes their actions much more predictable than the lone gunman. one guy is disturbing. the knowledge that any one person with a little free time and the right/wrong mindset could be blowing up buildings and gunning down kids is... disturbing. in a free society it is near impossible to defend 'gainst some person who wishes to create mayhem and does not care if they is caught or killed.


    any one guy.


    This is spot on, it's one of the reasons our never ending quest for a security is a racket, you'll never stop severely pissed off individuals from doing terrible things.

  6. Also some were claiming it was Libya's revenge for NATO's bombing campaign (even Greenwald). Though I doubt Gaddafi would be -that- insane to piss his opponents off even more.


    Ho ho, some people would have loved that, one bombing in the name of Ddafi Duck would magically justify the whole thing.

  7. It's not a Deux Ex game until we have confirmation that the plot consists of 7 ridiculous conspiracy theories nestled inside of one another, inception style.


    To be honest I really will be irked if the game doesn't contain a ton of real world conspiracy theories, that's one thing that really drew me into the first game, they treated their source material very respectfully, regardless of how over the top some of it is.

  8. I find it amusing how the girl is worth so little when China are having a shortage of women thanks to their softcore eugenics, the story itself might not be as tragic as it sounds, the kids will more than likely end up with parents who actually want them.


    It reminds me of this story from last month, kid sold his damn kidney for an Ipad...it sounds laughable but I'd bet these sort of things will start happening in western nations as we have more "austerity" piled upon us.

  9. I kind of agree with Volo, in that a major fine and jail time is probably the best we will get for the people *directly* involved, the higher ups who authorise the shenanigans will of course get away with it, albeit with a dirtied image...and that only ever lasts a year or two given the short memory of the perpetually bombarded public.

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