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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. As far as I know there are are no randomly generated dungeons in Skyrim, in fact I'm pretty sure there's very little random generation of anything, non scripted enemies doesn't mean a billion dragons spawning all over the map and flying in random directions.


    As for the Radiant Story thing, from what I can tell it's really straightforward, the game has some preset quest templates and assigns them to dungeons you've never visited, again, hardly random.

  2. Looks super similar to Oblivion in just about every way, though the weather effects and character models help make it look a lot more real. The only change that might have a significant gameplay impact that you can see there is the more dynamic use of 'hands', which looks cool. - still wondering how much it'll overcome the various flaws Oblivion was dragged down by.


    Yeah I forgot to mention how much I love the snowstorm effect, I enjoyed getting lost in them on Solstheim, but I agree, mechanical and plot based derpery will make or break it for me.

  3. "Your meat is bloody tough."


    That's the point where I sighed a little bit, this episode had a few derp moments for me and it feels like they wanted to get a lot of stuff shown in a short time, still enjoying it all though, I rarely get into TV shows these days.


    It's actually a line ripped straight from the books. Some things just don't translate well to TV, I guess.


    I've been following this guy's reviews of each Game of Thrones episode. It's nice to see a new viewer show so much enthusiasm. I can't wait to see his reactions to episodes 9 and 10. -_-


    I just think the way everyone bursts out laughing to diffuse a situation where a guy's fingers get chewed off is a bit forced, nice to know it's in the book though.


    The youtube reviewer is worth a watch, I like hearing regular people rant about TV shows for some reason.

  4. I just watched the HD video, I still think the LOD for the midground stuff looks really suspect in an Oblivion kind of way but actual gameplay looks quite solid


    I'm not so worried about the amount of dragons, you can bet that no matter what Bethesda do; the first mods will be "Moar Dragons!" and "Less Dragons!"...the first mods after nude Khajiit shlong anyway -_-


    *edit* Do you reckon Todd Howard is ever going to stop pointing to the tops of mountains? I reckon he's going to have "you can go there" on his tombstone.

  5. I'm surprised by how much stuff the ConDemned party is doing that I agree with, it's good that people are being encouraged to take action themselves rather than delegating powers to some kind of ruling body, the Telegraph appears to be pushing for "teeth" but I'm of the opinion that after ten years of New Labour we've got enough laws to keep us busy for now.


    *cynical edit* I should add that I totally expect this to **** up or fizzle out but I'm jaded -_-

  6. "Your meat is bloody tough."


    That's the point where I sighed a little bit, this episode had a few derp moments for me and it feels like they wanted to get a lot of stuff shown in a short time, still enjoying it all though, I rarely get into TV shows these days.

  7. looks better than both Oblivion and Skyrim.


    Deeply tempted to install Morrowind again for the overhaul but I completed it only four months ago and I'm nuts deep in Fallout 3 right now, then it's on to New Vegas to mop up the DLC, I worry that I'll be burnt out on open worldy games by the time Skyrim gets here.

  8. Probably get death threat for including it, and death threats for removing it. Can't really win with religious imagery.


    To be honest I don't think many western muslims give a **** unless you go around burning qurans, the rest of the time it's hand wringing westerners who are terrified of offending people's imagined sensibilities.

  9. Day one = purchase on release day.


    It does seem pretty random to mention that while quoting a huge ad though.


    While using the Elder Scrolls logo as an avatar :-


    Really though, I kind of understand, every game I've pre-ordered in the last year has been a pain in the arse, things will improve a bit now I've gone back to Nvidia but regardless I think PC gamers are being increasingly shafted by quality control.

  10. Another decent episode for me, enjoyed the skinning scene, it was a good way to introduce a character, I suppose they were going for an upper class but gets his hands dirty kind of thing, the lesbian scene was over the top but I can't say I didn't enjoy it, the guy playing Littlefinger was hamming it up a bit too much though.


    "OH, EVERYTHING MY DEAR.." :lol:


    I do like his character, it's just that line killed it for me.

  11. I'm not totally enjoying the combat but it's still giving me a few 'fist in the air' moments, defeating the kayran was one of those, on my first battle it killed me in one hit so enduring and figuring out the pattern was enjoyable.


    I'm finding the game in general to be slightly unpolished, not the best graphics in the world but certainly the best RPG graphics, it's all a bit jittery and jumpy and not *quite* there but I'm definitely enjoying it.

  12. Will Obama be a Witcher fan?


    *google translated*


    Air Force One with Barack Obama heading towards the U.S.. The U.S. president on the board can relax unpack gifts from Polish. Prime Minister Donald Tusk prior to departure gave the guest the latest game of the adventures of The Witcher, IPAD films Thomas Baginski and broken pen.



    Prime Minister Donald Tusk has given President Obama IPAD wgranymi movies with Polish artists Tomasz Baginski (eg "Animated Polish history" and "Cathedral"), and Damian Nenow (including "City of ruins").

    Symbolic gestures of appreciation


    Symbolic gestures of Barack Obama on the first day of his visit in Poland ... read more

  13. I really like his character but the actor's pronunciation is a bit off now and then, he sounds like he's aiming for upper class British but it comes off a bit forced, hopefully he'll get better, or get killed, I've heard how this series works :shifty:

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