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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I give up gaming for now. Getting sick of sloppy made games that are boring and crash constantly. Game companies do have Q&A departments right?


    This is how I feel right now, seems I'm only pre-ordering games for the slightly lower price because I certainly can't ****ing play the damn things on release day, bugs, shoddy performance, crashes and driver updates, if I didn't dislike gaming on a TV so much I'd just become a console gamer, I feel like a prisoner of my chosen format sometimes.

  2. I'm trying to dig up a savegame from Witcher one with the Shani-neutral-adda saved choices in particular.


    A few people on the GOG forums were on about starting an archive of saves with various allegiances, dunno if it's been started up yet.

  3. I'm glad people are generally enjoying the game, after enduring an hour of laggy prologue I decided that I really like the world, I just want new drivers and application profiles so I can stop being distracted.

  4. How about not? As obviously its stupid.


    Given that, going by the rate of accusations by other members, we're all idiots anyway...


    But are we THAT stupid?


    First one to post themselves planking is officially the Obsidian 'Tard


    Precisely, accusations are nothing without proof, let's get this Obsidian planking session started :p

  5. Dear god people are defensive over their hardware choices, all I did was type on Guru3D forums that I'm thinking of jumping ship to a less combustible vessel and suddenly I've got some kind of ATI bulldog grappled to my man bits :)

  6. Sadly I'm getting about 30fps on low detail, something somewhere is wrong and I'd bet my left testicle that it's the bloody 5970, never buying an ATI/AMD Crossfire card again, I just end up waiting months for driver updates to fix things.

  7. I'm unboxing and fondling the various bits of tat in the box, the coin is actually rather nice, if a little on the small side o:) I didn't expect the game guide to be a literal guide to the entire game either.

  8. Also just began playing. On Ultra Setting just without Ubersampling. Smooth as hell^^. (GTX580)


    It's so beautiful.


    Good to hear, dunno how my 5970 will handle it, technically it should eat the game for breakfast but as usual I'm reading reports of crossfire being unavailable...I'm going back to Nvidia on my next upgrade. :sorcerer:

  9. Welcome back Mus! :)


    In other news, the assistant head coach of the Finnish hockey team celebrated the victory the Finnish way: getting ****faced drunk and falling out of the plane.



    Capital, dear sir!(lol pun)


    You should've seen the ruckus and hullabaloo at the Tampere centre. People were running naked into the fountain and continued partying till the morning hours. It was crazy. And so very Finnish.


    Fortunately I decided to skip the occasion and get some study diaries done. Summer can't come any sooner...


    We'd use water cannons and riot police to deal with that kind of joyful outburst :bat:

  10. A game of Fallout NV where I am a psychopathic mass-murderer. More fun than it should be.


    Just out of interest, how is the game reacting to that?

    You get a blank slate from both the Legion and the NCR regardless of previous reputation, after dealing with Benny.


    Yeah but up until that point I'm curious how much of a response you get for being an outright butcher, I never find the time to play through RPGs as a truly evil character :lol:



    Hmmm. I'm missing out on lots of quests. Everybody hates me. I get attacked a lot. Luckily I have developed a super-stealth sniper who spends his life sneaking about head-shotting people from long range. OTOH equipment and loot isn't a problem as I just check the bodies.


    Gotcha, I might give it a go after I've burnt out on the game, Skyrim will be looming by then though...

  11. I've got my fingers crossed that the game at least runs ok, fifty billion graphics options doesn't mean **** if it turns out that the game only uses one cpu or gpu core, Shogun 2 burnt me recently, that game is shelved till they patch up the performance issues. :)


    In one of their press conferences CD Projekt Red's PR guy showed a screenie where the game was using all 6(? don't recall how many) cores of the playing rig's processor. Not definitive, but certainly gives hope.


    Reassuring, thanks ;)

  12. I've got my fingers crossed that the game at least runs ok, fifty billion graphics options doesn't mean **** if it turns out that the game only uses one cpu or gpu core, Shogun 2 burnt me recently, that game is shelved till they patch up the performance issues. :)

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