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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. Look at that arm... this is still Gamebryo and it shows.


    To be honest that's the vibe I get, though I don't dislike Gamebryo, just Bethesda's crash happy, bugged out usage of it, I'll be seriously let down if Skyrim is as unreliable as Fallout 3, nothing spoils immersion more than being dumped back to your desktop every hour.


    All in all, I can live with some graphical roughness if they spend more time making the game good and stable.

  2. I bought the Broken Sword "Director's Cut" which had bit of added content towards the start of the game, so yeah, sort of. And apparently it's one of the most successful games on iOS, proving yet again that Mac users are easy to please. :)


    That's the problem with Baldur's Gate, you wouldn't be able to ship it on the App Store, PSN or Xbox live, it's a shame because after ten years most people have access to production software and equipment that's way more sophisticated than what Bioware used back in the day.


    It could cost peanuts to make but the available market for it would be small, niche, still, I've never completed the Baldur's Gate games and I'd buy a decent expansion pack just because it'd be really cool.

  3. game still has me excited, but i wonder, will all male bodies be the same? ie that barbarian in one of the new pics is really bulky, if I make a sneaky elf thief, is he going to have massive shoulders and triceps and walk around like he belongs on the cover of an amon amarth album?




    I think this is a dark elf getting stealthily stabbed in the gut, there's muscle definition but he certainly looks lanky enough :)


    Here's the rest of the new screengrabs from the IGN article.










    I'm liking the heavy use of fog, that plus mountains should make the gameworld seem huge like Vvardenfell.

  4. Just a hand full of quests and the rest is running around in some dungeons and metro tunnels, killing stuff. So if we kick out all that running around and reading notes on terminals in buildings and killing stuff while this, there isn't much left that you can really do in that game.


    The thing is, I really like all that running around, reading notes and killing stuff, equally as much as I enjoy the quests I suppose, I think I'm in a minority in that I also love the metro tunnels, using Darns UI to remove the compass quest mark is a sure way of driving yourself mad...but I enjoy it :rolleyes:


    With regards to New Vegas, I enjoyed almost all the quests and most of the time the quest structure let me do what I instinctively wanted to do, which is damn cool but I didn't feel as though I could dig into the world as much as Fallout 3, which was a shame, all the inaccessible buildings irked me, I like opening a door and finding myself four levels underground and in serious trouble.


    One thing that really stood out to me was how sensibly placed everything is in New Vegas, the world is more logical, a better sense of verisimilitude, the people in the Mojave Wasteland seem more real than in Washington.

  5. I'm playing through Fallout 3 again right now, it's pretty striking how much Bethesda give you to do, sure, a lot of it feels like pointless derpery but they really know how to fill a world with time sinks.


    Tell you what I really miss in New Vegas, random encounters, Fallout 3 has a silly amount of random little events that can happen pretty much anywhere, like wastelanders fighting over water, guys trying to disarm landmines, inept highwaymen, raiders playing baseball or conducting a hazing ritual.

  6. Playing Civ V a bit and working on my NVInterior Urban Edition MOD while becoming more impatient for the new NV DLC by the day :)


    How's the mod looking?


    Chucksteel's DC Interiors mod is very well done but Fallout 3 doesn't *need* more locations, New Vegas on the other hand is dying to have those blank spots filled in :lol:

  7. Unfortunately the British have sold arms to Libya, along with the French, Italians, Germans and lots of other nations to a smaller degree, I honestly don't know much about U.S. arms dealings but no round-up of dodgy handshake photos is complete without an American president somewhere.

  8. The new trailer looks ok to me, I mentioned ages ago that the game looks a bit outdated, it's not a terrible thing, Deus Ex looked pretty ****ty compared to other games at the time, they can hopefully use the resources better by giving you more options in the plot and level design.


    I do have my fingers crossed for this one.

  9. LOL Sarkozy looks like he's giving The Colonel a full-on Masonic handshake from the position of the thumb-on-knuckle.


    Ha, could be, I was too busy wondering if Sarkozy was standing on stepladders. :grin:

  10. I'm of the opinion that justice and fairnes are if not one and the same, inextricably linked. When you propose that justice applies only when it's convenient, you are proposing a double standard dictated by economic reasons.


    Hear, hear.


    One minute we're selling them weapons and buying their oil, handshakes and publicity photos of big manly hugs, the next we're bombing them, it's the duplicity and veneer of righteousness that rubs me the wrong way.










    It occurs to me that a handshake from these men is equivalent to a mafia kiss of death.

  11. I'm seeing this as the UN trying to grow some teeth, not that I think it's a good thing when an unelected body (did you vote?) has the power to plunge us all into a suspicious war so quickly, if removing corrupt dictators who kill their own people is truly the goal we should be declaring war on the whole of the Middle East.


    The pro war bias of the British media in the last few days has been pretty sad too, I'm no pacifist but I like to think that we should be able to respect the people leading us down this road, we can't even rely on them to collect our rubbish and mind our finances, why do we so readily trust them to declare war?


    We are supposed to be in a financial crisis, where are we finding the money to go off on Middle East adventures?


    A lot of people think there's some kind of trickle down benefit from these wars, as if we're all in it together, I'll guarantee your fuel prices are not going to go down.

  12. I got Shogun 2 the day it came out but I still haven't really tried it due to the game running like crap on all detail settings, gotta wait for a patch so I'm a bit miffed, I had all these righteous thoughts of supporting a quality PC exclusive title and this is what I get.


    It seems that these days in PC gaming you shouldn't buy games until a few months after release, it's a bit sad :lol:

  13. I'm really looking forward to playing it again, right now I'm running through Fallout 3 with a load of mods and texture packs, hopefully by the time I'm done all the DLC for New Vegas will be out and I can plough through it all again ready to jump into Skyrim.


    One thing I'll be installing is the New Vegas version of Fallout Wanderers Edition, the changes it makes to Fallout 3 are fantastic, every bit of junk counts and you're constantly scavenging just to get by. :mellow:

  14. I thought everyone and his dog knew the player would be dragonborn :mellow:



    I guess I was hoping for the player character to be a little less special.


    Oh well.

    Were you wanting to be the dragonborn's errand boy?



    Always more interesting to be the power behind the throne rather than on the throne itself.


    You just described Oblivion :teehee:

  15. I disliked Alistair because he was always either whining or disagreeing with me, just one of those things, it's not like I didn't try :sorcerer:


    Has anyone else noticed the elves in DA2 have been slightly Avatar'd? The idea had crept into my mind before but last night I realised what they've done, the eyes are bigger and the nose is flatter, seems Bio are trying to tap into the weird empathy people have for blue cartoon cats.

  16. That school sounds a bit reactionary, I've heard some of Ken Robinson's talks before and he sounds like a decent chap though, I'm not qualified to propose a solution but it seems to me we need a balance, all I know is that I was bored as hell for my entire "structured" school life and I learnt more when I left.

  17. On the climate change thing, as far as I see tell there are no reputable sources claiming a connection, there is however a bit of scaremongering from the usual types.


    Heres a good article.


    He makes a good point that the BBC's dedicated coverage of the nuclear reactor might be a bit unbalanced compared to the ongoing chaos caused by the actual earthquake.

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