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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I played another four hours tonight, I just reached Isabella and she's pretty cool, she'll have chronic back problems by her 40's though...


    The best moment so far was

    finding Alistair, a broken man, just how I wanted him to be

    , perfect. :skull:


    *edit* I say "just reached", 16 hours in, I like that I could apparently have missed her completely.

  2. Yeah, the darkspawn are another thing I'm glad to see pushed into the background, I quite like their creation myth, the whole marching an army into heaven thing sounded cool but they were just a shapeless big bad to go and kill, though apparently they got more interesting in Awakening, I still need to play that.

  3. For me, Dragon Age 1 was actually worse than NwN 1. It was playable, but a very uninteresting world that was trying to be D&D, but less interesting. That bugged me, because you visited the most generic uninteresting locations imaginable while you find Lore about exciting, bright and colorful locations and I'd ask myself: Why aren't we there instead of ****ing Fereldan?


    So, for me, Dragon Age 2 is a huge improvement in that the location and story is much more exciting and colorful. It feels like they are actually trying to make the Dragon Age IP interesting, and not such an obvious D&D clone but without the good rules of D&D.


    As a sequel, I don't think DA 2 is as good as ME 2. WDeranged said exactly what I feel earlier in that I liked about 90% of the changes in ME 2, but for DA 2 I'm liking about 50%.


    I felt like that during Origins, the world was generic, almost teeth pullingly dull, all the while you're picking up codex entries telling you about distant lands with far more hardcore **** going on, I was pretty glad to find out Kirkwall was a Tevinter city, character designs are a big step up too, now I can actually distinguish between attackers at a glance.


    Volourn was the one who brought up the ME2 comparison btw, though I do agree with him, which is...odd :lol:

  4. "The year is 2020. Climate change has been ignored. Cities are underwater. People are starving. Nations brace for war. Species are dying." :lol:


    Oh dear, it's not meant to be funny is it, I thought they were going for a darkly satirical spin on world issues, climate change is going to have to hurry up a bit if we're to have underwater cities by 2020, at least the game looks quite nice?


    Not for me though.

  5. I remember Kirkbride making a few vaguely snarky comments on the forums after Oblivion came out, considering he rarely talks in anything but riddles I'll take this as good news.


    Perhaps the more storied and interesting major group quests?


    Aside from the obvious technical improvements this is what I hope is meant, lots of Morrowind's sidequests are interesting from a story perspective but as an actual gaming activity they're ****ing dull, Oblivion had comparatively rich sidequests but with way too much derpery in the plot department.


    I've got a good feeling about Skyrim though, it's rare that I agree with everything I hear leading up to a new game's release but so far I haven't hated any of the titbits we're getting.

  6. Got to agree with Volo too, it feels like a sequel to me and I can't quite get my head around the scale of backlash, especially as I'm firmly in the anti-streamlining camp, I hate the ****ing word but Dragon Age 2 is not the iconic example of dumbing down that it's being made out to be.


    Maybe this is just one of those "idea who's time has come" moments and Dragon Age 2 is the beating boy, all but the most mongoloid gamers are thinking along the same lines, we're tired of being treated like an averaged statistic...maybe I'm just being hopefully deluded.


    Either way I'll be playing the game for a good few hours tonight, possibly enjoying myself despite it's obvious flaws.

  7. One last look through my books before I uninstall Morrowind, still a ****ton of stuff to do in the game but I've burnt out now all the main quests are done and there's loads of other games to keep me busy till Skyrim, I doubt it'll have the same magic though, what a ride.



  8. I had a good three hour session when I got home today, I should be leaving for the Derp Roads soon, so far I'm still enjoying the game despite the re-used locations and minor railroading, I badly wanted to turn down the

    quest to free the Qunari mage, sod it, none of my business I thought

    , but Bioware thought differently.


    It's dawning on me how much I really enjoy the combat, I like arcadey plumes of gore and loud noises so it suits me, I just find it hard to forgive the lack of wide area strategy and the use of spawning waves.

  9. I've been playing on hard and I'm finding enough of a challenge, I'm enjoying the faster combat but the camera annoys the hell out of me, if they extended it just a bit more I'd be happy but I'm constantly finding myself feeling cramped.


    There is definitely a fair amount of strategy to the fights, I slogged through Origins on nightmare mode and DA2 is still whipping me quite often on hard, after the first few hours I seriously doubt anyone is going to win by click spamming or repeatedly pressing A.


    The plot is OK so far, I like the new character designs and general vibe, I especially like those gigantic emaciated statues, meant to crush the spirits of Tevinter slaves as they arrived to Kirkwall.


    Ultimately Bio have dumbed the game down, not by the cataclysmic amount some people think but they did go too far, there's no doubt you're playing a ported console game, I want my strategic cam and full inventory control back :)

  10. I gave the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo a try last night, I'm not impressed at all, reasonable graphics, passable performance and run of the mill gameplay. :p

    Yeah, and I totally got owned. And there were times when I owned everybody in Quake 3 and UT....how times have changed....


    The only selling point for me though is the campaign. If they screw that one up as well, I'm done with Crytek.


    I quit the game with a couple of nice kills but I know what you're saying, I'd just got Dual ISDN, Quake 3, UT and Counterstrike were a good release for my sadistic side, I was so damn good at those games back then o:)

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