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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. He also recommended heroin against cough and anxiety.


    Are you telling me you wouldn't love to get smacked out of your head during a terrible flu?..gimmie. :(


    Also, who doesn't have a thing for lesbians? :lol:


    I notice this article is still using the staged "reaction shot" of the president and staff supposedly watching the live feed.


    It frustrates me how important details get lost in the movie narrative, in years to come people will remember that photo as "the moment"...tsk.


    *edit* added link and also noticed an update to the latest baby fondling incident.


    My favourite bit of insanity is,


    "One of the many TSA criticisms I hadn't gotten to yet is based on the report last month that one of the "behavioral indicators" TSA uses to identify "high-risk passengers" is whether a person complains about airport security procedures"


    Because terrorists always loudly complain to security staff before blowing up an airliner. ;)

  3. As far as I know, when the accident at Chernobyl happened most of Europe temporarily banned milk and other farm products, in fact there is still contamination to this day, why haven't Japan or the rest of Asia done something similar?

  4. I remember enjoying the ending to Oblivion, going to Gaia Alata and finding the tormented souls of Mankar Cameron's followers, I liked that it was all a con, the ****ty part for me was the final battle with Dagon basically being a cut scene.


    The Shivering Isles was brilliant for me, probably my favourite Elder Scrolls location alongside Vvardenfell, better writing, deeper quest design and the dungeons were fun.


    Thinking about it, I really wonder how they're going to handle Alduin, he makes Mehrunes Dagon look like an insect, in fact if you dig around the lore forums you find that he actually made Dagon into what he is, so if Dagon's defeat was a cut scene how are they going to handle a dragon god who literally eats the whole of reality? :(

  5. BBC - Atlantis End Of A World, Birth of A Legend.


    Thanks I'll check it out :)


    Today I restored most of my files, watched a shed load of The Big Bang Theory as my PC was scanning, right now I'm eating a celebratory pizza, my stupidity only cost me the Quantum Leap series.


    Still can't believe I let myself click the format button, it was late and I thought I'd got my memstick selected :p

  6. I've definitely put 300 hours into Oblivion, verging on a similar number for Fallout 3, about 100 hours in Morrowind but I've got so much more to do in that game yet...I'm saving it for if I get down in the dumps or something, most other games I've put in the standard 30 hours and I don't play online much, I'm oddly thankful for that.

  7. As far as I can tell that article is talking ****, a quick look at the torrent sites shows an ISO but no crack, it's interesting to see lots of users trying to persuade others *not* to pirate the game, telling people not to pirate stuff on torrent sites...crazy.


    Reading the replies from those who feel entitled to everything under the sun is quite galling, I assume most of them are kids but holy ****, what kind of people are they going to become when they grow up?


    *edit* thinking about it, I probably pirated the equivalent of a small nation's economy when I was a kid but still...I wasn't an arse about it.

  8. Had a short time to relax and caught a bbc production I've had saved, one of those half-historical documentary, half-dramatical adaption of minoan life and the eruption at Thera. Based upon a lot of the recent archaeological discoveries around the area


    That sounds like my cup of lava, what's the title?


    On the subject of what I did today...I accidentally quick formatted my 1.5TB drive full of music and video, oh god, oh god etc, so it's a night of file recovery and watching files copy, kill me.

  9. With Oblivion being the first open world RPG I played I'm absolutely biased but I just can't make myself see it as the infected scab on the beautiful face of gaming that others do :blink:


    I can however see all of it's glaring faults, I'm not making an argument for the game here but I must have enjoyed something in those 300 hours.



    How many of those 300 hours were spent playing the unmodded-as shipped-vanilla game?


    I reckon my first game was about 90 hours, a pretty good chunk, as a first timer I loved it but the level scaling made me :x so I went looking and found Oscuro's mod.


    After becoming a bit wiser and playing better RPG's I doubt I could go back to Oblivion...that and the fact that I've truly seen everything the game has to offer including almost every copypasta dungeon.

  10. I just reconfirmed my pre-order after my old cc went invalid, pretty good considering I ordered it six months ago and nothing released so far has put me off.


    *edit* is it wrong to get excited over a slot based inventory?

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