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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I preferred Fallout 3's atmosphere, Bethesda know exactly how to make a compelling environment that rewards exploration, as much as I love New Vegas for it's plot and real honest to goodness RPG mechanics I was constantly annoyed upon reaching a distant location, map marker included, and nothing there?...nothing!?


    When I heard Skyrim had been announced I decided to try Morrowind for the first time and while I'm pretty much in love with the story and environment it's obvious that it's not really an RPG in the modern sense, at their core I don't think Bethesda make RPG's, their games are more like an evolution of the Dungeon Master style with some RPG elements bolted on.


    All I'm asking from Skyrim is good environments, a story that makes good use of the lore and non-retarded gameplay mechanics, I couldn't care less about ten different endings or hundred line conversation trees in an Elder Scrolls game.

  2. I hope they write a bunch of new in-game books, always loved reading those.


    The book store in Vivec comes to mind.


    Also: regarding dungeons I hope they in at least some small ways do the obsidian method (associate quests/small storyline with said dungeon).


    I thought Fallout 3's non quest dungeons were very well designed with plenty of little lore tidbits, New Vegas ****s all over it when it comes to plot but I really do think Bethsoft are better at environments, I'm sure that Skyrim is going to be great to explore but I'll be very let down if the quest structure and plot get derped.




    More books please, **** yes :)

  3. I put the cash down for the Augmented Edition while it was still cheap at Game.co.uk, I wasn't going to bother but I decided I should probably support any company that's making games in the style I like, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it turns out good.


    It went back up to

  4. I completed Blops earlier this evening and it's a frothing ocean of macho bull**** rage, but jesus, by the end you can't help but laugh at what an achievement it is, a glorious, historically raped, idiotic achievement.


    I feel dirty yet I somehow thoroughly enjoyed the experience :lol:

  5. I would really appreciate to see an expansion like the Night of the Raven (I think that's the name), the expansion for Gothic 2. It added content all through the game, like the game was just larger in itslelf. It felt like it was just one big game and not some added content next to the story.


    I love this idea, it's exactly what I'd like to see but I don't think we'll get anything like it for New Vegas, consolidated dlc with separate stories are way more marketable.

  6. Meh, I would have looked into it but the fact that it's only for the 360 makes that pointless. I wonder how much money Microsoft gave them for the exclusive?


    I'd bet a large sum of money that this will be coming out on the pc eventually, on a side note, does that screenshot remind anyone else of a Counterstrike level?

  7. I'm not saying it looks bad, the cutscenes and takedowns do look amazing, I think I'm focusing on the enemy troops, they seem a bit like mannequins with their expressionless faces and chunky ragdoll physics.


    To me the game looks very much like Deus Ex with more polys and bloom, if they keep the depth in tact then I'll be over the moon.

  8. bloodmage hawk is almost cool, but instead comes across as a lil goofy because of that shoulder armor... would look way better without that piece


    He'd look far better if he wasn't in that stupid bear hug pose, I quite like some of the things I'm seeing in DA2 but the news that we're losing strategic cam is a bit of a kick, it suggests to me that strategy isn't going to be so prominent this time around, I'd been ignoring the comments that this is Dragon Effect 2 but it really is looking that way, shame.


    If they can improve on Dragon Age's story (characters were pretty cool but the overarching plot was meh) whilst not totally nerfing the strategy aspect I'll buy it, reserving judgement for now.

  9. I'm actually finding the graphics in these previews to be reassuringly shoddy for a modern game, jagged edges and stilted animations (apart from the takedowns, they do kind of rock) all over the place, fingers crossed that just like DX1 they spent most of their time on reactivity, multiple paths and plot development.


    I do have a pretty good feeling about this game :)

  10. The earlier Fallouts never had to worry about the third dimension and their maps sucked at least as hard.


    But I still don't know how you can get lost with all the little arrows pointing you in the right direction all the time. I guess you guys are the reason why there are games like Fable, with its breadcrumb trail..

    The little arrows point the wrong way in multiple levels.


    The little arrows had me literally running in a big circle at one point, I was relieved when Darn released his UI so I could disable it, if I'm going to dash around like a muppet for half an hour I'll do it under my own steam :p

  11. I was actually lying in bed last night thinking about the vastness of McCarran and a few other areas in the game, such as the inside of Hoover Dam, I get the feeling there was supposed to be more going on in these locations than ended up in the game, I don't have any issues with the layout but having to trek all the way to the end of the airport to find the supply depot is a chore, realistic, just not the best idea from a gameplay perspective.

  12. I've been playing Call of Duty : Black Ops, or rather watching it and pressing a few buttons now and then, I'll admit it's an exhilarating game with fantastic set pieces (firing an RPG at a Russian rocket mid launch ffs) but holy hell the ultra-macho dumbf**kery and rape of history is hard to take.


    Apparently there's a scene where you get to torture a prisoner by ramming a shard of broken glass in his mouth, gotta wonder how many kids are playing this. :p

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