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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I've been watching a few videos of the 360 demo, it actually looks considerably more fun with the direct controls, it's a real shame because I bet the odds of them including gamepad control in the PC version are nil, I can accept a tactically dumbed down game if there's a fun alternative but I just didn't enjoy controlling Hawk in the demo.

  2. Eh looks nice. Now let's see how they screw up optimization in the next months! :shifty:




    I'm pretty psyched up over the trailer, it looks nice and judging by the frame rate it appears well optimised, for the 360 at least, fingers crossed they don't pull a GTAIV and release a shambolic PC version.


    I recommend watching the downloadable version for smoother playback, the flash video is badly encoded.






    Nick Brickon said on twitter:

    "Glad people got to finally see some Skyrim animation in this trailer. All that dragon stuff actually happens dynamically in-game."

    "To answer many questions at once: the Skyrim trailer was captured entirely on Xbox 360. Also, none of the draw-distance was faked."


    Pete Hines said on twitter:

    "@OutlanderDF Yes, in-game. Only things not in-game are the shots of the wall from the previous trailer. Dragon fights are pretty epic"

  3. that was my biggest issue with it, what was the point of putting that part in the demo if there's really no difference... stupid BioWare


    Large breasts and implied sex to get the Bioware boards in a froth I suppose, bad demo is bad.

  4. Well that was a ****ty demo of a possibly 'OK' game, lots of glitchy graphics and stilted scenes all cobbled together with a neutered camera, on the other hand I found myself enjoying the action but that camera...such a let down.

  5. I've basically got all the mods on this list installed, other than a few that are incompatible or unwanted, the biggest visual improvements are the texture packs and Morrowind Graphics Extender for the distant lands.


    Visual Pack should be your base texture upgrade as it re-textures almost everything in the game, then Connary's textures, which adds more authentic building and plant life textures, Better Bodies, Better Clothes and Better Heads are also pretty crucial, Morrowind has fugly characters.


    The trees are from Vality's Bitter Coast mod, though I've only installed the mesh and texture replacements as the mod file itself just adds a ton of cut paste trees which bog down performance and look a bit overkill.


    This is the grass mod I'm using, you only load this one inside Morrowind Graphics Extender when you generate distant land, if you enable it in Morrowind's mod list you'll just get solid, impassable grass everywhere :)


    Look forward to a good few hours ****ing around and probably a few restarted games too, it's worth it once you're done though...oh, Morrowind crashes just as much as any modern day Gamebryo game, you get used to it.




    This is absolutely essential if you have a high res screen.

  6. Well, I bought it, took almost three hours to download from PSN at the weekend and it was worth the wait, good style and humour, I went into the train station restrooms whilst wearing one of the comely female dolls and a guy said something to the effect of "that my lady is the smell of manhood!" :)

  7. I completed the Morrowind main quest so I thought I'd share some celebratory screenshots, I think they hold up surprisingly well to the latest Skyrim shots.

    I have just quickly tried Morrowind, but just by looking at those pictures I'm tempted to say it has about four times the diversity in landscape when compared to Oblivion. Looks much more interesting.


    Definitely, Oblivion has plenty of variety if you like forest but Morrowind absolutely has more, this is the most well organised list of mods I could find when I first installed it, I hope you find some useful stuff there. :)


    Install the Visual Pack then Connary's textures and the Morrowind Graphics Extender for instant visual gratification, the rest is window dressing but still good stuff.

  8. After falling into the hardware upgrade trap with Crysis and getting a badly optimised game that struggled to reach 30fps on mostly medium/high settings I find myself realising how little I care about what happens to Crytek, not that I think this will damage them in the long run, they're Nvidia's big golden bollocks.

  9. My livingroom lends itself to separation, there's big alcoves on either side of the fireplace so the epic telly and surround amp go on one side and my geeking desk goes in the other.


    Anyway I've endured a 20 minute PSN update and the demo is coming down, can't hurt to have a little look :)

  10. Tales of Monkey Island. Loving it! It brings the story into unexpected directions at every turn.


    I still need to play the final episode, various life related catastrophes got in the way and it feels a bit weird going back there just yet, they captured Guybrush's character down to a tee though.

  11. I don't really like playing puzzley games on consoles.


    What's the issue? Have you played the demo?


    No real issue, I'm just quite set in my ways :)


    I enjoy racing games and beat em ups on a console but when it comes to more thoughtful games I like to be right up close to a decent screen in my nice chair.

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