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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I had a quick look at one of the streams, I'm not sure where the guy was but it was visually gorgeous, he started a few conversations and the voice acting was fine, not stellar but perfectly fine, the local Jarl had a nice Germanic lilt to his accent.


    I didn't get to see much animation as I pulled myself away pretty quickly, but this is a Bethesda game and outdated animation is par for the course, I won't be too let down.


    Mostly what I feel when I see people streaming the game is envy >_<

  2. I watched a couple of minutes and then used my god like super powers to stop myself, it all looks and sounds good to me, a clear step up from Oblivion and Fallout 3.


    Got to agree with Tig on the interface though, it's going to be murder with a mouse, I'll bet all they do is make the font smaller on the PC :lol:

  3. One thing I've noticed about all the info Bethesda are putting out, it's 90% about the feel of the world and the lore, not "OMFG look at the HDR/bloom/shaders/radiant blah!", it does seem like the maturity of the consoles has done a lot to let them focus on the important things rather than the glitz.

  4. Looked very Black Hawk Downish, like ever other military shooter the last 10 years. What makes it better ?


    As far as the single player campaign is concerned, nothing, it's generic Americans blabbering propaganda and movie stereotypes, multiplayer on the other hand has a lot of variety.

  5. Hearing about Battlefield 3 makes me want to buy it. I really had a tonne of fun with Battlefield 2, but I'll be damned if I give in to EA and their fecking Origin.


    Stop bloody praising the game! :blush:


    Well if you want the bad points I lost a absolute shedload of XP due to servers dropping me mid round, they really need to sort that out, video performance is also sub par, my GTX 580 struggles to maintain 40fps on ultra, though thankfully the graphical difference between high and ultra is minimal.

  6. It's a Bethesda game. Solid fps is relatively unimportant because you'll still get micro-stuttering. On the other hand, the flying ragdolls will be entertaining. :blush:


    Yeah that's a very good point, unless you do some tweaking/modding Oblivion and Fallout 3 actually ran at 64hz on the PC, totally ****ing all hopes of smooth vsync, I really hope this all singing, all dancing Gamebryo reboot has that issue solved.

  7. Am considering demanding my tidying obsessed housemate buy me Skyrim to make up for all the OCD shenanigans he is polluting my waves with.


    But i've only got an i7 2.6 ghz, and a GTX270 (from memory). Not sure if that's enough.


    Lol. More than enough.


    Thanks, man. I assume I'll be off the pretty pretty features, though?


    It depends how fussy you are about vsync, I doubt the 270 will get a solid 60fps on ultra but I bet it won't be far off, it should totally chew it up and spit it out on high though.


    In other news I stayed up till 6am playing Battlefield 3, server drop outs are a pretty big issue it seems, good job the actual gameplay is really solid, been having a blast. :blush:

  8. Here's a new feature on the art direction.




    Impressive but you've got to wonder how he'll eat the world, I imagine the final battle starting with a huge pair of wings unfolding on the horizon but that'd only lead to some kind of scripted Liberty Prime/Akatosh ending, really curious to see how they deal with it.





  9. So any word on what the followers are like? Are they going to be in-depth companions with backstories and unique quests like FO:NV or are they going for quantity (lots of NPCs at expense of depth)?


    This was asked and I think it was Todd who confirmed no in depth companion story arcs :p

  10. ... but I dread a future where I need five or six DRM clients installed to play games.

    Hopefully I'll be not gaming (become more & more a possibility) or dead by then. :*


    I hope to be playing games till I'm old and grey...though possibly while living in a high tech police state the way things are going, at least we'll should have games beamed directly into our brains by then :sorcerer:


    Anyway, Battlefield 3 is a lot of fun and very easy to just pick up and play, it's got a few technical issues though, drop outs and a poorly optimised graphics engine, typical first day PC release stuff I suppose but still annoying.

  11. It's not that Fallout 1 didn't have humour, it was just less slapstick and less in your face. I still remember wanting to punch a BoS paladin or two when they sent me to The Glow :)


    Never mind that The Glow was one of my favourite places in FO1. Mostly it was the absurdity of a lot of the situations and quests that made you smile though, not the stand up comedian with a laugh track kind of funny like much of FO2. I still finished FO2 way more times than FO1, just for different reasons, not because of the 'humour' of FO2 :)


    Yeah FO1 definitely isn't humourless, I just prefer the over the topness of FO2, that and the sheer amount of stuff to do :)

  12. I just finished setting myself up in Klamath, I've paid Sulik's debt and now we're off to snort the ashes of humanity :)


    This is my second run of Fallout 2, I do enjoy the first game but I find the atmosphere a bit heavy, overall I prefer the more upbeat insanity of humanity rebuilding itself.

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