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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. I'm watching New Vegas download and wondering what mods are the most popular around here, Project Nevada is almost certainly going to be installed but don't want to screw around with the balance too much, especially considering how much the Gun Runners' arsenal adds.


    I'm mostly curious which bug fix project is the most complete and well maintained, the unofficial Fallout 3 patch actually gave me way more crashes so I'm worried about something similar happening in New Vegas.

  2. The Thalmor

    kind of fell by the wayside too, but there's a silly amount of content I haven't seen yet, maybe I missed something.


    I kind of feel that they are there either for DLC or a TES VI.


    Yeah I'm betting DLC,or at least hoping, they're the ones I really wanted to start hacking to pieces :thumbsup:

  3. I also faced the first battle with Alduin, I'm level 36 and he hurt me pretty badly, it took lots of reloads and health potions but I'm not really into efficient levelling or godlike characters, I was glad for the challenge

    and even gladder to find that the MQ hadn't ended.



    I'm looking forward to "finishing" the game though, New Vegas is calling me quite strongly.


    Yeah, the

    first battle

    is quite cool. When it comes to the end of the main quest:

    the second battle with Alduin is... not good. Just way too easy. Not to mention the awful "SHOUT WITH ME SECTION



    I completed the MQ tonight and I have to say I enjoyed it,

    I wasn't really bothered that the final battle was easier, I already figured that Alduin would be weakened, plus you've got three demigods backing you up.



    Battling through Skuldafn was fun and opening

    the portal to Sovngarde

    was a cool visual but

    Sovngarde itself wowed me, I especially enjoyed meeting characters who'd died during the game, I was a bit annoyed that I couldn't talk more with the legendary characters in Shor's Hall but at least there were no derp moments



    My only complaint would be the apparent lack of fanfare from people in the world, also the Blades demanding that I

    kill Parthurnax

    with no alternate resolution is dumb, you're the walking god-man they were founded to seek out and follow, they're your bitches.

    The Thalmor

    kind of fell by the wayside too, but there's a silly amount of content I haven't seen yet, maybe I missed something.


    I'll probably spend a few more hours messing around but I haven't got the motivation to wrap up any more major quest lines, the Mages, Bards, Thieves and the other begging freeloaders in Skyrim will just have to wait for my second coming ;)

  4. Tonight I spent a good while searching Blackreach for the Dwemer transcription thingy, that place is just huge, in Morrowind I was always irked that Dwemer ruins weren't as sprawling as they looked from the outside, no such complaints here.


    One thing I'm not getting is a sense of dread, I dunno what it is about Morrowind's world that inspires fear and wonder, something about the sense of history or the fact that more is left to the imagination, on the other hand Nordic tombs full of Draugr creeped me out for a good while, until I started being able to mop the floor with them, which I suppose is logical.


    I also faced the first battle with Alduin, I'm level 36 and he hurt me pretty badly, it took lots of reloads and health potions but I'm not really into efficient levelling or godlike characters, I was glad for the challenge

    and even gladder to find that the MQ hadn't ended.



    I'm looking forward to "finishing" the game though, New Vegas is calling me quite strongly.

  5. Pretty widespread from what I've read, same issues on the consoles too.


    After thinking myself rather clever for backing up the exe it turns out they updated Interface.bsa as well, if you use the old executable it breaks the map, it took me well over an hour to put it right but if you look around less reputable places the files from the last update are still available...damn it Steam.

  6. :p


    Tonight I completed the civil war questline on the side of the Stormcloaks, I enjoyed the story but the combat was an utter pushover, I'm starting to get the feeling that all the epic, important looking quests in Skyrim are geared towards low levels, presumably so more players can feel a sense of accomplishment.


    The Imperials who spawn in from nowhere during the fort conquests are also lame, it was just lazy design...they could at least have spawned out of the doorways rather than in mid air.

  7. I'm almost definitely starting to burn out now, it's the same issue I always get with Elder Scrolls games, I find myself hopping from questline to questline doing little bits here and there, then running off to do more random stuff in between, it ends up diluting the impact of the individual plots.


    Somehow I don't do this in Fallout games, I tend to hang on to each questline until it's done and then move on to another, a few random dungeons here and there but mostly I see a quest through to the end in one sitting.


    I should adjust my playstyle but I'll leave that for my second run, dragons are a becoming a nuisance and I've seen most of what the big cities have to offer, it's all starting to drag, roll on the Creation Kit.


    I don't think I've ever put so many hours into a game over such a short period though, it's nerd crack.

  8. I'm level 34, 115 hours in and pushing on with the MQ, I just got to Blackreach which looks to be impressive, finding

    Sindarion's skeleton

    made me chuckle, see where your nirnroot obsession got you old man!


    I didn't delve much deeper as I was loaded down with loot, it was my first time in a Dwemer ruin too, I really like what the designers have done, afterwards I spent a bit of time doing random stuff, found a note at a campsite complaining of lost caravans, followed the trail back to a cave full of Falmer, who I exterminated like rats.


    Still enjoying myself, my character isn't levelled particularly effectively, I'm just bumbling around taking it as it comes but I aim to get most of the main quest lines completed by level 50 and put the game to bed for a few months.

  9. Matt Barton rips Skyrim a new one, I disagree with most of points he tries to make but I usually respect his opinion, apparently the Elder Scrolls would be better without books, looting, crafting, alchemy, bartering and practically every other system available.


    Strangely I found myself agreeing with his point about the soundtrack, eerie 70's Moog sounds would suit the misty mountains quite well :blink:

  10. Swearing Mudcrab :blink:


    Tonight I finally completed the companions' questline, I was a bit let down really, not much confirmation of your actions and the quests were mostly pushovers, I'm guessing they put them in Whiterun for starter characters, I should have ploughed through it as soon as I got there.


    On the other hand I also finished the Gauldur amulet quest and it rocked, lots of challenging fights and cool locations.

  11. I wish I could disagree but the situation truly is grim, we've all been used, our grandparents' blood, sweat and tears built a global empire for these greedy bastards and now they don't need us anymore, still, hope for the best, plan for the worst.

  12. Perhaps a bit too disoriented before bed to understand the whole of what you're saying, but I get that the Thal(a?)more are over the top evilish villains in this game. I just don't recall them from Morrowind and Oblivion. Still, it's interesting to get some of the lore. I guess, if it piques my interest enough, I'll just look up the setting and read up on it. In the meantime, it doesn't seem to have much impact on my high elf mage. I'm almost to level 5 again. Not playing too quickly, clearly, but still having some fun.


    The Thalmor weren't mentioned much in previous games as they were long gone, the new Thalmor are up to the same tricks and I assumed they were the ones kickstarting the apocalypse, I'm not far enough into the MQ to be sure though. One of their aims is the complete removal of man from the pattern of possibility, meaning they wanted to reboot the whole of creation (which happens when Alduin comes) without mankind, removing the man god Talos is crucial to that goal.


    I got to level 32 last night, 100 hours in, levelling is slowing down now thank god, I'm starting to wish I'd gone for dual wielding as all the cool swords so far have been one handed, still, my two handed ebony sword puts most things down with a satisfying thud :)



    In Markath, I saw a dog wander into a Thalamor's path. The Thalamore said, 'stupid dog,' and killed it.


    That's right. Just in case you didn't get that they're villains. The Thalamor are dog murderers.


    That reminds me of the faked Radiant AI promo for Oblivion from way back :*

  13. I'm digging the MQ so far, I just met the Greybeards' leader and enjoyed the twisty lore usage, definitely starting to feel burnout on the game though, it's the never ending fetch quest syndrome that's typical of TES games.


    Character blandness is also an issue but I've learnt to suck it down over the years, there were only a handful of cool characters in Morrowind and you had to play for months to meet them all.


    I'll be playing this game for years but I'm definitely looking forward to a break in Arkham City, even if I just found it uses G4WL and the DX11 release is broken :lol:

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