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Posts posted by WDeranged

  1. Looks like I'll be reinstalling Skyrim for a while, tracking down a really persistent crash in New Vegas led me to Project Nevada, it took me a week of testing and I've had to sacrifice a 30+ hour game, I really don't want to play without PN so I'm going to wait and see if the authors can fix it.


    I'll pass the time back in Skyrim ;)

  2. I need to get around to finishing Walden, I remember being hugely impressed with the author's intellect, modern writing has lost that level of insane descriptive detail, a falling leaf is now just a falling leaf, embellishment seems pretentious.

  3. I recently watched Cowboys And Aliens which was surprisingly good, not without some cliched bull**** moments but I enjoyed it, The Inbetweeners movie was also good, cheap fun.


    I tried to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes but felt completely uninterested, all the product placement, terribly obvious CG apes and boring characters really put me off.

  4. But is Skyrim better than Fallout 3?


    The dialogue, lore usage and plot lines are a definite step up in my opinion, I still need to spend a lot more time with Skyrim to decide if the world design is better though, I really loved Fallout 3's wasteland, Skyrim feels a bit like a Nordic themed amusement park, time will tell.

  5. Re-installing New Vegas and starting again, pretty pissed off about it but I think my choice of mods has screwed my current game, it seems to be Project Nevada but I'm not 100% sure until I can do some testing on a fresh install...mods are a blessing and a curse :lol:




    While it's on my mind, I've decided New Vegas is better than Skyrim, maybe not in the world design/dungeon delving department but in *all* other areas it conquers.

  6. Your right to sell on a computer game is exactly the same as your right to sell on a dvd or paperback after you've had your full enjoyment, I really dislike attempts to turn personal entertainment into a rental service.


    Having said that, I can understand why developers would be worried by these massive superstores getting in on the act, that isn't quite the same as personal sales or your typical second hand games dealership.


    I like the idea of games you don't want to sell, I'd never sell my copies of New Vegas, Skyrim or any other decent RPG for that matter...if I had a choice that is, yay Steamworks :lol:

  7. I stopped regularly checking on the codex simply because some people delighted in trying to ruin/spoil games, in the past I've sat in GD and laughed my arse off till the early hours but I never felt like contributing to the maelstrom of fecal matter and ladyboys, it'd be like pissing in the wind.

  8. On the whole I don't care about pirates, I'm not convinced that we'd be paying less for our games if piracy didn't exist.


    Who ever said you would? As a matter of fact, games have barely increased in price over their history. What was once $49.99 is now what, $59.99?


    I've lost track of the amount of times I've seen publishers and developers make that claim.


    So you are saying that you have read that were it not for piracy, prices would have somehow decreased since the 90's / early 2000's? Weird.


    Yeah, many, many times over the years, I'm pretty surprised you haven't :)

  9. On the whole I don't care about pirates, I'm not convinced that we'd be paying less for our games if piracy didn't exist.


    Who ever said you would? As a matter of fact, games have barely increased in price over their history. What was once $49.99 is now what, $59.99?


    I've lost track of the amount of times I've seen publishers and developers make that claim.

  10. http://gamingeverything.com/12549/first-im...south-park-rpg/


    First images from the game.


    Edit: Since it appears the site has actual scans of the GI magazine, I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to post that link. Please delete this post if it's not allowed.


    It appears that the Onyx engine can look exactly like the show, which is an impressive start, not so sure about the look of the combat, it seems more like a JRPG, not my cup of tea but I understand a huge amount of people go for it.

  11. Yeah I'm about ten hours into New Vegas, patched up, DLC'd and modded, not a single crash so far, it's good to be back in the Mojave :x


    I'm also struck by how good the writing is, jumping straight from Skyrim it really stands out, as huge a leap as Skyrim is for Bethesda, Obsidian's scripting is far more natural.

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