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Everything posted by Nepenthe

  1. How is that remotely plausible? IIRC When PS3 launched the PS2 price went down under 149USD for a console, later going down to 99USD. (correct me if I am wrong) So if it will be just a dongle with Cell, it might be plausible for the price of 99USD I just wish SONY would make something like that for PS2 compatibility on PS3 long time ago... I'm pretty sure you could do something like that with Thunderbolt fairly easily. Would be a good call, IMO, but console manufacturers make calls I think are good even more rarely than the big game publishers do...
  2. That actually sounds pretty good. I'd dingle the dongle. Or something like that.
  3. This calls for one of those "meanwhile, in Finland" pictures. We have the snowstorm of the decade or something going on. And, obviously, I'm at work like everybody else.
  4. It's actually a bit different in my case, as this field is genuinely international in the sense that I might spend the rest of my life skipping from country to country. One never knows what they'd start looking at when they have no idea of how the system works. Entirely anecdotal, I know, but as somebody who has interviewed highly paid professionals from several continents, I think the only bit paid attention to was, so hey, you have a degree, nice. Nobody looked at the scores and paid more attention to the last 10 years of experience. The hard part is for people fresh out of the "system" is sometimes to get down and dirty, doing stuff that is underpaid and being overqualified for to get the all important experience and references, which count for way, way more. Yeah, I really shouldn't have that problem, I have a pretty good work history built up on the side and the place where I've been for about a year now has taught me a lot and is very well regarded. Anyway, it's not over, so we'll see what happens. I'm hoping to argue the grade from "meh, average" to "pretty good", ie. one step up on the 7 step scale.
  5. And if we disclose your name you will find us and kill us? Pic related: More like one of the more pathological Bioware haters will kill me.
  6. ... and at EA Shanghai? Seems legit.
  7. There were some nice small dots included with my A4-Tech X7 for just a case like that where the sticker would be worn down.. Maybe you were not so lucky, that Logitech had that foresight and customer service at the time, but maybe you could be. Why not look for new bumber stickers to add to the bottom? I dunno, it seems kind of diseased too. I'm examining my options, at any rate. And no, definitely no stickers, at had some sort of teflon thing going on for those...
  8. Then after a while grades will count even less. Nobody trusts grades from systems they didn't experience themselves If you work for international organisations, be they BINGOs, the UN system or whatever, after your first job the work experience will be all that counts. People will glance at your CV and skim through your cover letter. Neither of those is likely to mention grades. For them to look at your grades means that the whole package of who you are already has them interested. All grades show is that yes, you meet the qualification requirements. They probably will never be taken into account (after the first job) in any situation other than a tie breaker. And in those situations, as I understand it, people do not look for something to help them decide who to choose, but they look for something to give them an excuse to pick the one they lean towards. What area are you planning to work in? I'm a lawyer, specialised in a field of international law specific enough to name myself if I give it here. :D
  9. I speed-read this, so at first it looked like your advisor got discharged yesterday after telling you to do something else... But thanks for sharing, and a speedy recovery to your mum.
  10. It's actually a bit different in my case, as this field is genuinely international in the sense that I might spend the rest of my life skipping from country to country. One never knows what they'd start looking at when they have no idea of how the system works.
  11. Bun, high quality lean beef, slice of cheddar, tomato, lettuce, bacon depending on the acceptable calorie level, ketchup, dijon mustard.
  12. Been a pretty disappointing year, but there's still stuff coming out or I haven't had the time to play (BGEE, Dishonored, Hitman), so not ready to call it, yet. So far top contenders are the zero-expectations-massively-positive-surprise Black Ops 2 and the huge-expectations-but-those-endings-ffs ME3.
  13. Thanks for sharing. How's that quote again, "I hate injustice, especially when it is directed at myself". But seriously, a dislike for injustice was one of the reasons why I became a lawyer in the first place, so I know that I will feel better just from not letting them do what they want, even if it's the act of a man sticking up his middle finger from the scrum when he's been jumped by an NFL defensive line... :D It's mostly politics, anyway. Up until now when grading was on merit, I always performed extremely well, but this one... yeah.
  14. Leviathan was a pretty good chunk of back story, but, no, nothing done to the endings. I agree with what you're saying there, unfortunately they've stuck their head to the sand (probably up to their ass level) and any such thing is unlikely to happen. Happily, I've managed to headcanon/self-deceive "destroy" (especially re: Leviathan) into a reasonable ending, so I can live with it. But let's just say the ME, mass effect fanboy extraordinaire, hasn't bought the DLC yet.
  15. You put a LOT of effort into it, so it's natural to be dissappointed when your work doesn't get the deserved recognition. Nobody will care about the grade once you get your first job though. And professors are just human beings. That means they are petty, vindictive sods like everybody else. And quite a few of them are only lording it over students because university was the only place that would accept them. Hi Nep I can only say I am sorry about your grade. It must be disappointing when you feel you put effort in and it doesn't seem to have been recognized Thanks guys. I'm aware of the things you've mentioned, (un)fortunately I have people calling me that I've been put through a bigger injustice than what is common, and that such a low grade was unforeseeable to everybody (else) who has actually read the book. Well, actually, it's not "low", but it's "normal" instead of "reasonably good", which is what I expected, as it's a really good book on an exotic subject. I've been told to make an official statement to the body that makes the final decision. It is almost unheard of that they'd change it, but not entirely so.
  16. Ask them for a comment, maybe they ran out of time and are going to implement those later. I mean they're improving multiplayer post-release, maybe they'll add videos? Not of crucial importance to me, and I can even see their viewpoint to a degree, but still odd.
  17. Got the grade for my dissertation. I've never felt so shafted and disappointed in my whole life.
  18. Very excited, I have read the reviews and they all seem good Never paid them much attention, but the eurogamer review piqued my interest. Will have to see the digital foundry take a look at it whether there's any point in me getting a game of that type on any of my currently available platforms...
  19. Awesome story. I mean, that's the good thing about bad things happening, it sometimes gives you great stories. I'm in back pain, have been running around like crazy all morning and have a job interview coming up. Kind of not looking forward to changing a job now that I'm just starting to learn this one, but... It's a fairly unique opportunity in a country this small, even if it's just another fixed-term contract like this one.
  20. Yeah, but they're all in their neat little packages so I can get a picture of the size, but little else.
  21. This came up in the Razer Spyware thread... My trusty logitech g1 has worn down to the point where it scratching my mouse mat so I'm forced to upgrade. It's been a pretty good friend to me, delivering it's rather spartan functions at a very high quality... Here's a picture in memory of it Now, since I've been using something like that for ages, I'm obviously completely out of the loop regarding what the cool kids use these days. My only actual requirement is that it must work in both Win 7 and OS X Mountain Lion without issues. The only gaming I foresee in the near future is some BGEE and fairly light SWTOR. Obviously not used to "MMO Mice", but not too old to learn... Basic useability still comes first. Any ideas?
  22. That's a good point, not really limited to RPGs. In fact, I'm trying really hard to think of a game where the ending wasn't mostly "tons of the same old enemies", maybe with a big boss thrown in there or some side missions to complete in the gauntlet...
  23. DA:O vanilla was a good game (if you turn a blind eye to certain parts of the story and play the characters with the personality the writers want you to have). I have a much harder time turning a blind eye on the fact that every section just. runs. on. for. too. damn. long.
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