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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Even if I get Lich King and do not like the game, I can keep the receipt and take it back to Wall-Mart. (90 day munny back guarantee) when the trial is up, of course. Hey, um, I probably wont get it till October (when my football season ends, it will be reward). Hey, don't take this the wrong way, but I love you guys (as in u r great.)

  2. Hmm I thought the EU wasn't too bad... the New Jedi Order series is actually pretty good. I just dislike the ending...

    Jacen should of killed Jaina.

    the EU in general is pretty ok. it's biggest problem stems from the different authors telling stories that contradict, this was solved somewhat in the NJO but even that suffered from having characters radically different in terms of power and personality between books.



  3. I'd rather spend $50 and save myself 400 hours of frustrated downloading. Plus you get a free month with it, so that gives him a bit more time to decide if he likes it.


    I've heard of quite a few people playing WoW on dial-up. If he's not used to high speed, it probably won't be too bothersome. Sure, the end game raids won't be any good for him, but the majority of WoW players never see that stuff anyways.


    Well my dad is the one who is going to decide whether I can get it. Hey, um, I know i have to have the original game, but must I have Burning Crusade as well? I will find out whether I can get it by the turn of the hour, hopefully. Pray for me! :po:)

  4. I prefer GH because it allows you to make your own character(world tour) and HAS characters including the " super character" that are harder to get or more expensive than the others: Lou, Rock God, and Grim Ripper (who was discontinued after II). Also, World Tour has real guys such as Ted Nungent, Sting, Zakk Wylde, and (my hero) Ozzy Osbourne. And better songs.

  5. I would ignore all the MMO naysayers here, it's a genre of games they dislike, but there are a lot of folks that play them regularly on these forums. WoW really is worth a try if you have an interest in the genre, it is king because it does so much so well.


    But downloading on dial-up is pretty rough. If you go to a store and buy the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, that will get you fairly well updated, you will probably only have to dl'ed a gig or two. Then you will have to deal with the lag, but from what I've heard, WoW is playable on dial-up.



    DO you HAVE to download the updates to play? And is d/l ing the game off of Blizzard free???


    And if I am forced to go with a singlee-player strat game, I am going with Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne expansion. If I do not get WoW, price means absolutely nothing.

  6. How about something along the line of TFU, except that you control movement completely. Wave your arm and your characters arm waves too. Stab yourself in the lower areas and your character does too. However, this would be veryveryvery expensive to make and would probably require a super-Wii.

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