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Posts posted by kingofsquid

  1. Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



    1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

    2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

    3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

    4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

    5:The Sims 2

    6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    9:Metroid Prime

    10:Star Wars Republic Commando


    And if you have not played these, I say: Don't knock it till ya try it.

  2. This object also appears to be working in conjunction with strange events occurring at the core of the Milky Way. If we are to take the prophetic warnings seriously, which I believe we better, then indeed and in fact a very mysterious and anomalous object that is buried deep within a dark cloud of space dust is headed this way and it will arrive at about the same time that the
  3. Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



    1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

    2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

    3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

    4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

    5:The Sims 2

    6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    9:Metroid Prime

    10:Star Wars Republic Commando




    If it's on your top 10 list, it MUST be good.


    What do you mean? Is that sarcasm?

  4. Well, RC is still fun. And TFU combat is okay. Republic Commando is 10 on my fav games list:



    1:Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

    2:Fable: The Lost Chapters

    3:Defender: Saving The Human Race

    4:Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

    5:The Sims 2

    6:The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    7:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

    8:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    9:Metroid Prime

    10:Star Wars Republic Commando

  5. Phh, JA was the cherry on top of the series. It had everything the other games had except more, and you didnt have to play that weird Kyle Katarn fellow.


    I have a bad feeling about this.


    JA pretty much perfected the lightsaber combat with the dual sabers and saber staff. If they built upon that and made an AAA game today, it would be awesome. The JKII/JA style of saber combat would work pretty well with a controller too, it's sad that they went with crappy quicktime events for TFU.

    Myth. JO/JA fencing was CRAP. Fun for a while perhaps, but crap. It boiled down to circling your opponent from a safe distance, bunny hopping and rolling while waving your saber stupidly, hoping he'd miscalculate and step inside your striking distance and get killed. Oh, yeah. Don't forget kick spam. Full Force servers were even worse, with combat being decided by who could better execute the dreaded pull-throw-kick combo. It was the very first online dancing game. And that's with the single saber styles. Dual/lighstaff style was even more limited in moves and options and more unbalanced.


    The best/most fun SW lightsaber combat game I've played was the EP 3 game. The game itself was rather unremarkable, but the VS mode and its Tekken-like approach to duels was much, much better than JK's - with the addition of Force powers being balanced well enough to work without completely disrupting regular swordplay.


    I haven't played TFU, so I can't compare.


    TFU is........meiocre. Hate the story, but Wii combat is fun. Jedi Academy is pure gold on a sandwhich of candy.

  6. To D_N: What about Age of Empires? Not following you. Speaking of which, I own the first 2 of em and Rise of Rome and The Conquerors Expansions.


    The joke is that Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds was just Age of Empires reskinned to look like Star Wars:




    I actually found the game kinda fun really. Perhaps it is because of the fact that i enjoyed Age of Empires 2 so much as well heh heh.

    Though it did seem a bit odd collecting resources with Star Wars characters.


    You know, I am sad. I had one computer that could play GB, but it now refuses to read any disks. I am very sad. I loved that game......

  7. Garrett used to be cool, then you stuck the Alpha Protocol logo onto him, now he's as cool as something that's not at all cool. Like the sun.


    On topic: I spent today throwing a keyring into the air and catching it, good times were had :(


    It's not like I got it because of the logo. I got it because of GARRETT!

  8. All right, so no more Star Wars games except for KotOR III, Battlefront 3, Empire at War II, Republic Commando II and Dark Forces V? o:)


    And maybe another Galactic Battlegrounds (it rocks) and Force Commander 2 (new would rock). Other than that, you hit the mark perfectly.

  9. A troll is someone who comes up with pointless arguements and says complete bull crap.


    So he IS a troll! :o


    And I dont think that's what he's doing.


    Really? o:)


    1. Shut it.


    2. I LIKE the AP avatars! How is Garrett not cool?


    3. Did I actually say fraphics? o:):o

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